
Proper Materials Necessary for Any New Writer

Ink pens, paper all necessities for the aspiring author
So you have decided to become a writer, either in your spare time, freelance, or for a living. Regardless of your reason and motivation, you will need a few things to get started. Every writer works differently and uses various methods, but for the most part, there are a few common things that each uses to get their craft going. Some of those materials are listed in this article.
Before you can do anything, you of course need an idea to get started. The inspiration may come to you in different ways; something you saw on television, or a story in the newspaper. However it comes, consider jotting the idea down and as many details as you can recall. If possible, start writing down any related concepts to help flesh out the idea as much as possible.
Writing Utensils
Some writers like using pencils, while others may find ink pens work better. In many cases, what you put on paper is not the final product, so it is okay to scribble down your notes and thoughts. Keep in mind that what is written in pencil may smudge or fade, and that ink lasts longer. However, also remember that you cannot erase ink, but again, you have to use the methods which work best for you.
If you do decide to write in ink, there are various styles to consider. Fountain pens are known for smooth writing style, and add a touch of class and elegance. They also require a little extra maintenance and slower writing. If you are brainstorming and just putting anything on paper, you may find fountain pens a bit cumbersome.
When writing ideas down, there are a number of paper options to consider. Some may use small sticky notes, while others use a notebook, either single or multi-subject. If you are on the go constantly, consider taking a notebook with you at all times, for you never know when an idea may strike you. If you do not have any paper on hand, you can always record your thoughts verbally, with either a tape recorder, or even your cellphone.
Once you have a first draft on paper, you will want to type out your thoughts, so having a computer is probably your next step. Be sure to save as you go along, and consider purchasing a USB drive to hold onto your material. It is also possible that you may want to type your entire first draft without writing things out. Again, everyone has different methods, and you will want to find the one that works best for you.

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