
Article Writing Tips For The Web

Short is sweet
If your a veteran of internet forums and other social sites you will often see walls of text talking about a simple thing. You never read those do you? In this wikipedia and Google age where instant gratification is king you need to learn how to write short concise articles that get information out quick. These articles should not be over 1000 words long and should generally be around 600-700 words. So if it is possible to remove a word or shorten a sentence do it. Write for the reader not to stroke your ego. Think of them busy impatient people who need their info right now. Be direct this is not English class and you do not need to pretty it up just get to the topic. Research shows that web readers scan pages before they read anything, meaning they may scan right past your article if it doesn’t have a straightforward heading or introduction that includes key words about your topic.
Use strong powerful web headlines
A good headline summarizes what the bulk of the content below explains and makes it easier to notice and more likely that it will be read. For example, potential readers will have to sift through hundreds of articles before they get to yours. A good article marketing strategy is to write amazing headlines that will grab the person and make them read it. Headlines should be short and sweet like the content they do not need to be long. But never be indirect and cute often that type of heading will have little to do with your subject matter and will often take results about something entirely else. A good article marketing strategy is to use bold powerful language and be direct and too the point. And use subheads like I do. web readers scan articles subheadings will emphasize what they should take away from your article even if they did not read all of it. It also serves as a hook to the reader to keep them reading or scanning your work.
Divide into Paragraphs
Paragraphs ensure that the structure of the article is suitable for web reading. there really aren’t many rules that define a paragraph. It all depends on the tone your taking and the subject matter that your writing about. Different kinds of writing demand different paragraph lengths. Essays have longer paragraph lengths and if you write like an essayist the reader will not read your work as it is too long. The rules for online writing are still being defined but one thing is for certain do not write a lot at once. But a good article marketing strategy is to write enough to get your point across and then start another paragraph.
Write simple sentences
Your not trying to win a Pulitzer prize. Long, convoluted sentences, which may read very nicely in print (such as this one), will often seem forbidding onscreen. They can distract your readers from their primary goal of finding information. Keep them short and too the point. However, do not use extremely short or sentence fragments. There is nothing wrong with writing fragments or single word sentences. They are a good article marketing strategy to provide emphasis, variety and to establish personality and tone to the article. But do not use them whenever or people will not take your seriously.

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