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7 Tips To Decorate Your Office Reception Area With Beautiful Flower Arrangements

When running a business, it’s crucial to leave a good and lasting impression on your clients and customers. From observing proper business ethics to simply maintaining a clean office, there’s a handful of things you can do to accomplish this goal. The list also includes creating a good ambiance in your office reception (e.g. Decorating it with office reception flowers Birmingham) — the very first area your stakeholders are most likely to encounter when doing business with you.

Through this article, we hope to impart seven important tips if you want to effectively deck out your reception area with beautiful flower arrangements.

Take into account the theme of the room. Does your office reception have a minimalist design? Does it have a contemporary look or a classic one? The flowers you will use to decorate your office should be in line with the theme of your area. It’s important to create a space with harmonious colour combinations, style, and design.

Know where to strategically place your flowers. Like any other flowers and plants, office reception flowers Birmingham should be placed where there is adequate sunlight. You also have to consider the temperature of the room — some don’t thrive in cold ones, while others do. Furthermore, you need to consider the availability of space in your reception — can it accommodate big floral arrangements or does it only allow minimally-arranged ones?

Choose local and seasonal flowers. Native flowers work well in the environment where your office is located. And what’s even more helpful is that these flowers are easily accessible. They tend to have lower prices as well as compared to flowers that are not in season or not available locally.

Pick an appropriate flower vase. While your choice of flowers is significant, the overall impact of your flower arrangement also depends on the vase you will be using. As mentioned earlier, you have to create a sense of balance and harmony among the elements of your reception area — and that includes your flowers and their vase/s.

Complement the arrangement with other decorative items. If you want to further amplify the look of your reception area, get creative and put decorative items or books and magazines near your floral arrangement. As a pro tip, never use decorative pieces with bright hues as they tend to “compete” with the aesthetic impact of your floral arrangement.


Go big with greenery. If you have an empty corner in your area, consider going for a big green than with an elaborately arranged bunch of flowers. Aside from being relatively cheaper, huge indoor plants are easier to maintain.


Seek help from a professional florist. If you’re afraid you’d be shelling out money for your office reception flowers Birmingham and plants without achieving the look or result you want, it will be beneficial to tap a professional florist. Such an expert will help you pick the right flowers (and other paraphernalia like vases), help you decide their proper locations, and impart to you essential flower-maintaining tips.

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