If you are going to make money as an article writer, you can write many, many articles and nothing may happen, unless you are deemed credible. So how do you build credibility through article writing? Here are some ways I found that will build your credibility.
Opening Paragraph
When someone starts reading your article, the first few lines are important. They should tell the reader what you are going to discuss and what your reader can benefit or take away from reading your article.
For example, you should describe the problem and how you can help the reader in fixing that problem. Look at the introduction to this article. It stated the problem, credibility, and then said there are some ways to build credibility. So if you were interested in building credibility with your Article Writing, you would want to read on.
Accurate Information
Nothing can lose an interested reader faster than providing misinformation. Even with one piece of wrong information and the rest right, as soon as the wrong information is read your reader will click off faster than you can say “wrong”. I have read some articles and have read some facts that I knew were wrong, and from that point on I could not believe any information that article presented. So I went on to a more credible article.
Use Examples
A really good way to build credibility is to use examples. For instance, if you are describing a product, you may want to give examples on how well the product works.
Case in point, I have written articles on Omega-3 fish oil supplements. I have provided the results of studies on populations that consume lots of fish oil in their diet and populations that consume hardly any fish oil, to make the point that fish oil supplements are good for you.
Good Content
By providing good content in your articles will help build credibility. If your article is nothing but a sales pitch, you will lose your readers in a hurry. If you supply good content, you will earn the respect of your readers. Save your sales pitch for your resource box. In the resource box you can provide a short bio on yourself supplying information and qualifications. Then you can give a sales teaser and a link to your pre-sales page.
If you under take Article Writing, it is important to build credibility with your readers. To build credibility you need to have a good opening paragraph, have accurate information, use examples, and have good content. Without good credibility you will lose your readers in a hurry.
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