
Want To Find Out How To Write A Best Seller

The Internet and eBooks have made it easier than ever for people to fulfil their ambitions and get a book published. But judging by some of the books out there that may not be a good thing. So how do you get to the stage of completing a book and then hopefully selling it? Well, there are some thoughts to help you.
1. Get writing. Now I agree this sounds obvious, but it is really important to write every day. Even if it just for ten minutes, get working. You must exercise your writing muscles. Even if you think you are writing rubbish, it doesn’t matter, just sit down every day and get on with it. Don’t be at all judgemental at this stage – editing comes later. For now, get used the letting the creative juices flow. I find it helpful to work at a desk, which is separate from the rest of the family. I go there to write, and my subconscious mind knows that so it knows to go into writing mode. That may work for you, or you may prefer to find somewhere else that works for you. Experiment a bit and just do it.
2. Plot v character driven, or what’s the point?. When you are ready to produce your masterpiece is it going to be plot or character driven? Again, there’s no right answer to this, although all plots and characters should be believable.
But before that, you need to think about the underlying premise, or theme of your book. In other words, what is it about? Go beyond the story and think about what it’s really all about. It may be a love story of boy meets girl, boy marries girl, boy loses girl; but what is the underlying story? Maybe its ‘love leads to heartache’, or ‘love conquers all’.
If you don’t have a theme and a clear idea of what you are trying to say, then you will have no direction to your story, nothing to reference action against and chances are your book will lack focus.
3. Plot – depending on your point of view, there are only 1, 3, 7, 20 or 36 plots that cover every single book. However, most plots follow a general structure.
• Introduce the world of the characters
• Create a disturbance/crisis
• Character motivation
• Obstacles along the way
• Climax
• Resolution
Follow that and you won’t go far wrong. If you think your action is slacking, just add more disturbances and watch your character react.
4. Characters – remember characters are not just the people who inhabit your story – they are your story. Treat them with respect. Spend a bit of time getting to know your main characters. Think about what their values are, what papers they read, what they like to do, their favourite piece of music etc. This may seem like a waste of time, but if you want your characters to come to life on the page, it is necessary for you to understand their back story so that you can give them some colour and help the reader to identify/empathise with them.
5. Edit, edit, edit – this is perhaps the most important. Once you’ve completed your masterpiece it will need to be edited. Not once, not twice but at least three times. Get someone else to volunteer to help you by reading and offering advice. If you can afford a professional edit then you should get that done. It really is worth the money. There are too many books that should never have seen the light of day getting published. Make sure your book stands out for the right reasons.
Now, what are you waiting for?

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