There’s plenty of money to be made in the world of freelance writing. There’s more websites being generated on a daily basis than ever before. From basic articles to high converting copy, there’s billions of dollars out there just waiting for you to pick it up.
What do you need to get it? Not much. A website of your own with a decent portfolio on a fairly wide range of topics. The dedication to market yourself until you’re making the money you deserve. The attitude that you can never stop learning, and that you’ll always be improving yourself.
How do you go about that last part? It’s easy to fall into the “guru trap,” especially when you are just starting out. There’s the idea that you just need to do “one more thing” before you really ready to get started.
The truth is that you likely have enough skills right now to make a decent living. The only difference is getting your stuff out there in as front of as many eyeballs as possible. However, this is something the gurus would rather you not believe. Why? So long as you feel you need more training, more seminars, more products, the more money you’ll spend.
Sure, you should always improve your skills by taking classes, reading books, and buying whatever products you can get your hands on, so long as you follow the golden rule. And what’s the golden rule? Always test out your skills. Whatever product, book or seminar you pay for, just make sure it’s going to deliver you skills you can try right away.
Keep in mind that you are a business. And like any business, you’ve got to show a profit, or else you won’t last long. And just like any business, any investment you make should have a demonstrable return. After, what business would buy a piece of equipment because it might make them money some time in the future.
Whenever you are considering any kind of product to improve your skills, try and find out how it will specifically improve your bottom line. How much will it increase your earnings? How long will it take the product to pay for itself in terms of increased profits? No healthy business would invest a cent unless it knew, within a good degree of error, how much they’d expect to make from their investment.
So next time you’re considering buying a course, or a book, or enrolling in a seminar, put on your accounting hat and ask the tough questions. If you don’t get adequate answers, give it a pass.
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