
Writing For The Web Hook Readers With Headlines

Much like fishing, headlines are the part of your writing that hook your reader and reel them in to the body of your writing.
As such, you want to create powerful headlines that make you a “happy hooker” – a writer whose articles lure readers like a siren’s song, so they devour the content and read it in full – and hopefully go on to share it with others.
Some studies show that 8 out of 10 people read a headline, while only 2 out of 10 on average continue on to read the rest of your content. Your headlines are your bait – make your readers ‘bite’ so they’ll be clamoring for more!
Also, you may want to re-think your writing process. Many people seem to write their articles or content first, then go back and create the headlines. But there are a few advantages to reversing that method.
Writing your headlines first serves a few purposes. It helps you outline the body of your story so you can then flesh out your ideas further within your paragraph; it also sets the tone for your article. Lastly, headlines are often the make or break feature of an article, and will determine whether a reader will continue on in reading the rest of your content.
Writing compelling headlines might seem like an unattainable skill best suited to the pros. But many of the most effective headlines are actually quite formulaic. Here are some common methods top writers use when writing headlines:
Intrigue – Learn How She Got that Figure Working Out Only 15 Minutes a Day!
Outrageous Statement – Learn Secret Investing Methods Wall Street Doesn’t Want You to Know!
Bold Promise — Lose 10 Pounds This Weekend!
Lists — A time-honored and very effective hook: Top 5 Reasons You’re Fat
Superlatives – Discover the Best Male Enhancement Product for Ultimate Pleasure!
When writing for the web, it’s also important to keep in mind another big factor: keywords. Keywords are how your readers find you when they search the web. Many search engines give extra weight to content that utilizes keywords in headlines (as well as woven through the body of your article.) While this can help you get some search engine love, you need to remember that you’re ultimately writing for a human audience, so no overstuffing, please! Always keep your readers needs in mind, not just yours.
Now that you know the importance of great headlines and how to write them, don’t think you have to constantly invent new headline models when there are already so many great ones out there. Almost all top copywriters keep what is known as a “Swipe File” – a folder of great headlines they use as inspiration (and then often emulate) for a new headline.
Here are places to scout out so you can build your own Swipe File:
Magazine Covers – multitask in the checkout line by studying masterful headlines as you wait
ClickBank – check out their Marketplace and review sales letters from top products
Warrior Forum – another great place to find a multitude of sales letters and headlines
Commercials & Ads – whether in a newspaper or on TV, words hook & sell – Pay Attention & Profit!

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