Take a good look at some of the top selling products and top sales copy on the Internet. You will find that most, if not all of them, have photos in some manner, shape or form. There is a reason for this. I know it sounds like a big cliche (because it is) but a picture IS worth a thousand words. In this article I am going to show you how to dramatically improve your sales copy JUST by adding a few photos. After reading this, I know you’re going to be running out to get a brand new digital camera.
I’m going to start out with an example. Actually, this is from a very old sales copy from back in the good old days of advertising. It was for a training program to teach Karate. I’m sure you remember it. It was supposed to turn you into the next Bruce Lee. I think it was actually during the time that he was very popular. Anyway, there was one part of the sales copy that showed a photo of some guy giving a good Karate chop to a two by four and breaking it into tiny little pieces. Think that photo didn’t help sell that product?
Seeing is believing and there is nothing more believable than seeing the product you’re about to purchase demonstrated right before your eyes. I remember seeing that ad and I remember thinking to myself how great it would be if I could do that. I was picked on a lot in school. The only reason I didn’t follow through had nothing to do with the ad. I simply decided that I wasn’t a fighter and this wasn’t for me. But I digress.
Sales copywriters use photos all the time, not just like in the example above, but in many other ways. For example, ever take a look at most testimonials on sales pages. The really good ones are accompanied by a photo of the person who gave the testimonial. Why? Why do you think they do this? Well, the answer is simple. Without a photo, a testimonial is just a faceless name on a page and doesn’t hold as much water. But when you can see a face, especially if it’s a well known person, this caries a lot of weight.
Here is the harsh reality of copywriting and you need to understand it if you’re going to be successful at it. The world we live in today is a very skeptical one. There are way too many scams out there and because of this, people are hesitant to buy anything on the Internet. Photos help alleviate some of those concerns.
If you want to pick up some more great copywriting tips and discover everything you need to save yourself tons in copywriting costs and even earn a living at it, please check out the resource in my signature.
And go get yourself a good digital camera.
To YOUR Succes
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