If you’re like me, you’ve heard time and time again that stories sell. Any copywriting program will tell you they rocket your conversion rate like nobody’s business.
However, I don’t believe that’s actually true. At least not for most of the online sales copy I’ve read over the years.
After numerous million dollar promotions under my belt – and a thriving career as a copywriting coach – here’s what I teach my students in my unique copywriting program…
Conversion Rate Secret #1: Write in the context of an “abbreviated” story. Be QUICK about it. Because if you don’t, here’s what happens:
You get long-winded and it quickly becomes boring to the reader. And as I tell the students in my copywriting program – boredom is the kiss of death for a sale. If readers even begin to lose interest in what you’re saying… it’s OVER. This is sooooo important – it’s one of the very first things I teach in my copywriting program, and my students keep at it until they’re abbreviating like masters!
Conversion Rate Secret #2: You must use your story in a STRATEGIC manner. Do it right and you can weave many compelling stories throughout your copy. (That’s usually what I do!)
In my copywriting program, my students learn not to throw in a story just for the sake of “having it there.” They learn to quickly see where the story will have the most IMPACT, and where they can use it as a major selling point – instead of just window decoration.
Conversion Rate Secret #3: You have to ENGAGE your reader. You want them to be right there with you – hanging on every word.
Thinking about stories in terms of “abbreviate”… “be strategic”… and “engage” is a lot different than merely thinking in terms of “offering a solution”, “explaining”, or “pleading your case”, right? So how do your properly abbreviate your story? It’s simple, and it’s something that I heavily stress in my copywriting program. All you have to do is take a slice of the story and think about its purpose.
MEET this purpose, and you’re done.
If you’re good at your craft, I guarantee you can take 3 or 4 lines in a story paragraph — and with a little effort — condense it to 1 short, crisp sentence. Keep in mind that if you really engage your prospects, you’ll never have to feel shameful or try hiding the fact that you’re selling something.
One of the things that graduates of my copywriting program carry with them is a sense of confident competence – their selling techniques are so graceful that their readers don’t even realize they’re being sold!
When you do your copy well, your readers will even be eagerly anticipating your offer and wondering what they’re going to get!
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