
Copywriting Is One Of The Most Mystified Topics In Marketing

Copywriting is one of the most mystified topics in marketing. Ironically, it is probably on of the simplest to practice once you get hold of the basics of the trade. In fact, it doesn’t require you to have excellent writing skill as some would call it. You just need to be able to sell.
How do you do it?
1. Focus on the Benefits
Don’t be carried away by the features of the your product. We know that it took you sleepless nights before you got your breakthrough – save that for your autobiography. What your potential buyer wants to know is how the product will benefit him.
2. Research on your unique client
You can ‘t sell to everybody. Understand your target audience and get to know what they want. Research on what they need, the problems they encounter in their day-to-day lives and what their common ground is. Even though it can be tempting to sell to the public to get the highest sales, you’ll fair much better by ranking highly in your niche.
3. Use conversational language.
When selling, always keep in mind to deliver you pitch in a conversational tone. Of course, the conversational language among doctors is not the same as that of teenage geeks. Use the tone that will portray you as an insider. Don’t try too hard to impress your readers with words that they don’t understand and which will require you to use a dictionary.
4. Sell you product one-to-one.
Even if you are writing to a thousand people, always keep in mind that the letter will be read a by one person at a time. Avoid speaking in the third person. Always make it an issue of YOU and I. This will help avoid a situation where the buyer will say, “Well, I’m not one of them.”
I and WE are also preferred to “my organization” and “our organization.”
5. Sustain the readers’ attention.
The main reason why writers find it difficult to write long copy is because they are afraid that the reader will get bored and stop reading the letter. To avoid the risk of losing your client because of a boring copy, always keep in mind the acronym – AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action.) If you let these four things define the style of your copy, you can write as long a copy as you like and still have the reader read it to the last word.

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