
Advanced Uninstaller PRO – the leading software uninstaller is now even better

Advanced Uninstaller PRO

Does your computer seem clean? Did you clean your monitor, case, and keyboard? That’s good for you, but I have some bad news! Even if your computer looks clean and shiny, the truth inside it may be completely different. Why?

In time, your Windows registry becomes fragmented and filled with unused entries that should have been deleted by uninstalled programs (obviously, many programs add their entries to the registry, but “forget” to remove them when uninstalled) and a lot of other problems keep appearing. The result is a computer with a cluttered hard drive and operating system that work slower than normal and may cause even greater problems. Advanced Uninstaller PRO can definitely help you.

When starting the program for the first time, you will be asked to choose the visual theme you want to use (custom or default Windows and if you want allow this application to get useful information from the Internet or not). After that, you're in!

The Installation Monitor is one of the most useful tools from this suite. Its goal is to watch the installation processes that occur on your system and log information about all the changes that the program has done to your system. This allows you to completely remove monitored programs in the future. A great thing about the Installation Monitor is that you can set custom monitoring options. For example, you can choose which registry keys or disks/folders to monitor, the monitoring type for these two areas, and the INI files to monitor (all those from the Windows directory or only the ones that you specify). One last excellent feature of this monitoring tool is that it can automatically detect a file you run as installation program based on its name and/or extension. Even better, you can also add your own file name patterns, including wildcards!

There are nine tools available in the General Tools area. Uninstall Programs is an improved version of the Add/Remove Programs Control Panel applet. The five managers present in this section help you handle better your startup programs, duplicate files, fonts, Control Panel applets and system services. Two other tools available in the General Tools area can be used to clean Windows temporary files and various programs settings and traces.

The Internet Explorer, Firefox and Google Chrome Tools can fix virtually every issue that can occur with the browsers’ components such as address bar history, cookies and visited pages, temporary Internet files, toolbars, plug-ins, ActiveX items and active context menus.

Advanced Uninstaller PRO also includes a Registry Tools kit: Cleaner, Optimizer and Backup/Restore. The first one allows you complete control, while the other two are wizard-driven.

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