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I’m 50 And I Want A Rejuvenating Facial: Red Light Therapy Facials Are Anti Aging

After age 50 you have a robust wisdom from the life and feel perhaps like you can manage your life better as a result. Your path has been one of acquiring knowledge on a list of subjects and one of them includes the health of your body and skin.
This means you have a skin care regime using the top skincare lines to prevent degradation and the signs of aging skin. This is why you age gracefully by regularly visiting the best skin care spas in NYC and other major cities to assist you in deflecting the coming years. You want look youthful and and vibrant. One such facial or skin care treatment in keeping skin ageless and radiant is LED (light emitting diodes) red and infrared facials. They are designed to build vital skin-strengthening proteins that promote a more youthful appearance.
How does Red And Infrared LED Light Therapy Slow The Aging Process?
According to Dr. Perricone “(LED) light actually increases the production of collagen and elastin in our skin… makes the skin look thicker (youthful).” When skin becomes thin it is a sign of slow cell turnover that translates as fine lines, wrinkles and sagging. These proteins are crucial for building connective tissue that improves elasticity while thickening the skin for a natural lift. LED promotes healthy epidermal function to resist the visible signs of aging.
NASA has used this technology to reliably expedite the healing of wounds for astronauts because it strengthens damaged skin cells. This proven therapy has science to back it through trials and medical application. The aesthetic industry has wisely taken hold of LED and appropriated it as an age-reversing therapy. As it enhances blood circulation cell regeneration is also improved. These functions significantly slow down after age 50. So as you gaze in the mirror daily to see if new wrinkles have appeared, you’ll be pleased to find a reduction of the nagging signs of maturing skin with each LED treatment.
Is LED Light Therapy Safe For My Skin?
Not only is LED safe, it restores epidermal health. It is a non-invasive treatment that naturally lifts and firms the skin for a taut smooth complexion. No anesthesia is used because it a painless approach to skincare. There are no side effects and zero recovery time. So you can be on the go immediately following your facial.
Because it can be personalized for all textures and tones it is a safe procedure for sensitive skin types as well. Using organic products without the harsh chemicals along with this anti-inflammatory infrared therapy ensures a soothing facial experience that will not trigger inflammation or other allergic reactions. With a thoughtfully crafted anti-oxidant serum added to your LED facial the epidermis also has a reliable shield against damaging UV rays due to sun exposure. So you can be confident that your skin can endure the heat of summer.
When you choose luxuriating LED facials, you can harness the youth-giving health benefits of this holistic therapy. Signature facials sometimes include this treatment in an ultra lush facial that pulls out all the stops as it reshapes the visage by lifting any epidermal sagging. A VitaLight Facial can erase the age spots, fine lines and wrinkles which often emerge after age 50 if unchecked. By the finish it refines the complexion for unsurpassed silken texture. With LED facials you can gracefully and substantially inhibit the break down of cellular health to maintain a glowing opulent appearance—not a day over 50.

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