
How To Build A List Using Blog Posts And Articles

Any smart internet marketer would tell you that the gold is in your list. In order to make more sales from your online business, you need to convince more and more people to sign up to this list. This is the only way to stay in touch with them so you can build relationship with these people.
There are different ways to build a list but the most effective one is through blog posts and articles. You see, when people are thinking about signing up, they’re seriously considering the credibility and expert status of the online marketer. If they don’t have proofs that you’re indeed an authority in your niche, you’ll surely find it very difficult to get these people to take action.
Here are simple steps to follow in order to build and later on, boost your list through blog posts and articles:
1. First step is to capture the attention of your prospects. Grab these people by the throat by talking about the things that they find useful and extremely interesting. Based on personal experience, these people will be enticed to read your blog posts and articles if you talk about their struggles in life, the most recent issues related in your niche, their most common questions, their goals and how they can possibly achieve these. Then, make use of killer titles or those ones that will make your target audience stop and think. Make your titles intriguing, benefit-driven, extremely descriptive, or thought-provoking.
2. Next step is to impress your readers. These people will only respond to your call to action if they were extremely happy with your content. Making this happen is relatively easy but it will require commitment, time, and effort.
Here are some useful tips to keep in mind:
Provide unique, useful information. If you can load your articles and blog posts something that were not yet published before, the better.
Keep it concise and short.
Make it easy to understand by using simple terms and short sentences.
Make it interesting and engaging to read by using conversational, friendly tone.
Do not advertise and avoid hard selling.
Do not over optimize.
Strive very hard to address the specific needs and demands of your readers by sharing with them a slice of your expertise.
3. Third step is to make your blog content and your articles very visible in the online arena. Distribute your articles to reputable article marketing sites. The first one on your list should be EzineArticles. Then, proceed with those that have the nod of Google. For your blog posts, simply promote your blog using content based marketing solutions and social media marketing. The more people you drive to your blog, the better.
4. Send traffic to your squeeze page. Include the link of your squeeze page to your resource box and at the end of your blog posts. People who were really happy with your content will surely click these and they’ll most likely to sign up. To boost your sign up rate, give these people an assurance that it’s not an obligation on their part (that they can unsubscribe at any time), that you’re not going to spam them, and that you offer them with freebies like short ebooks related to your article or blog topic.

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