
Article Writing – Writing In A Niche

When it comes to article writing, writing in a niche is one of the most important decisions you can make. While it’s OK to be a “Jack of all Trades” in your writing, it pays off to have your articles stay focused on a niche or a series of specialty niches. While this doesn’t mean that you cannot sometimes write articles on other topics, it is important because it helps you to establish yourself as an expert in your field. People will come to know that you are experienced in your niche and when they need information on that particular topic, they will come to you again and again.
Some people mistakenly think that writing in a niche means you limit yourself to only one type of articles but this is not true. You could choose to write on more than one niche and you can write outside your niche when the need suits you. But there are many benefits to niche article writing.
Here are things that are important to know about article writing in a niche:
· Determine your niche carefully and be fully informed on what it is and who would be interested in reading articles in this niche
· Always stay updated on your niche- subscribe to newsletters, magazines and news sites with information on your niche
· Know your audience- you cannot write well for your niche when you don’t know who you’re writing for
· Study your competitors – it pays to see what other experts in your niche are writing about and how the readers are responding to it; just don’t copy another’s work!
· Research keyword phrases- writing with keywords will not only help the search engines find your work but it helps the reader get an article closely matched to what they are searching for in the first place, making your article more relevant
· Study proper keyword uses- some new article writers get so caught up in the importance of keywords that they do not use them properly. They should flow neatly throughout the article without creating any awkward places for the human reader.
· Write what you are passionate about- your readers are typically people also interested in this niche. They will feel your passion through your writing and it makes the article more interesting.
Now that you have these important and useful tips on article writing for a specific niche, you’re ready to begin applying it to your own writing. When writing in a niche, you have repeated satisfaction of writing about what you enjoy and what you know best while also building your repertoire as a writer in your niche.

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