
5 Tips To Excel in Ghostwriting

It doesn’t make any difference if you’re already a great ghostwriter or someone who is just beginning the ghostwriter’s journey. If you have high expectations for your business and you want to succeed as a ghostwriter, you have to be able to provide certain elements. More times than not, we tend to assist in ways that aren’t necessarily needed, thereby, not giving the right attention or worth to our writing.
If you’re a ghostwriter, and want to have a reputable business, take these tips and introduce them into your writing services.
Put client’s needs first: If you’re an established and excellent writer, but fail to meet your clients’ needs or expectations, it will negatively impact your business. Your passion may keep your business going as a ghostwriter, but your client’s happiness will keep the business running. You must first possess the skills to fully understand a client. Most often, you’ll need to explain to them what you do as a ghostwriter and how you can help their business and efficiently solve their content issues. The main purpose for a ghostwriter is to write for someone else, so putting your needs aside to produce great content is a must. Only use your personality when it really fits with the client.
Apply your Knowledge: Of course, when a client contacts you inquiring about your writing services, it’s good to be able to talk about how your writing serves a genuine purpose to them. However, you should try to assist even further by possibly adding marketing, editing and/or proofreading, as well as other business strategies to your skill-set. It helps to make a list of everything you do daily and make notes of each step. Who knows, it might possibly turn into a service you could offer to a business owner. Your writing can go a long way, but the extras you can provide will be an added benefit.
Your Experience: Another great way to get more clients and have a “voice” in the ghostwriter community is by creating social media presences across the web. You are probably tired of hearing about the “know, like and trust” factor, but social media is how you obtain that. Additionally, implementing SEO strategies into both your own content and your client’s content is an excellent skill, as well as an added service. It’s basically a standard now, so if you haven’t learned about Search Engine Optimization, you need to. It’s important as a ghostwriter to be honest about your abilities, or the lack thereof, but also showing your willingness to learn and explaining all the other benefits you have to offer.
Marketing: Learning the most you can about marketing your own business will not only be beneficial to you in that regard, but it will also give you the expertise and knowledge to better assist your clients. It is not necessary to be a sales guru by any means, but acquiring the basic skill-set to market a business on the Internet will be an extremely valuable tool. Where your website and writing services are concerned, make sure you’re providing informative and valuable content and that your pitch isn’t over-cluttered with a sales approach, but more of an informative approach.
Let your client speak: It’s a great thing to already know how to get in there and tackle your writing projects, but just because you have gained all this experience and knowledge, doesn’t mean you should close yourself off to new ideas. Your clients are in business too and probably come up with some interesting ideas from time-to-time, most of which are worth hearing. Some of those will be worth developing and implementing, so don’t cut you or your writing short. Remembering that your writing only goes as far as the ideas that are already in place and those new ideas will keep it expanding.
These five tips will surely give more worth and value to your services as a ghostwriter. Not only will it benefit your business, but your ghostwriter experience, client relationships and extent of knowledge will all be positively impacted.
Would you add anything to this list of five tips? Please take the time to share, that way we all learn.
Deb Lamb/Owner and Founder of Your Everything Services. Offering Quality, Professional Virtual Administrative Services for your business and personal needs. I am a very passionate, prophetic, God loving, happy, peaceful, thankful and grateful person. I love my life and the people in it! Due to some life experiences, heartaches and life struggles, my zest and passion has been to help others in similar situations. Please feel free to reach out to me when you need an empathic ear and answers.

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