
Motivation To Write – Top 7 Ways To Get Motivated

It’s very frustrating when you sit down at your computer and stare at a blank computer screen because you lack motivation, inspiration or have run out of content ideas. I encountered these problems while participating in several challenges which involved writing 100 articles in 100 days. The first 50 articles were no problem however I often hit a wall after that. This caused me to look deeper within myself to find the motivation to continue writing.
Top 7 ways to get motivated to write
1. Understand your purpose
This gets to the root of why you started writing in the first place. For example the purpose of writing 100 articles in 100 days was to generate traffic to my websites, have content for regular blog posts, bi-weekly newsletter and bundle the articles into a report to sell. A clear purpose helps you handle the emotional waves which affect you some days. If you forget your sense of purpose write down all the reasons on a piece of paper and keep it close to your computer so you can refer to it from time to time.
2. Make a plan
Before you even write your first article make a plan. For example writing 100 articles in 100 days is a clear goal. You also need to be committed to fulfill the goal you set. Next you need to generate a list of topics to write about. One of the best ways to do this is to do a brain dump of all your ideas. Don’t worry if you can’t come up with 100s topics. Once you start writing ideas emerge for topics you never thought of.
3. Serialize your content
Serialize your content by optimizing your list. This means creating an article series where the topics flow naturally into each other. This gets your audience to read more of your articles because you’re providing sequential information that is easy to digest. It also makes it easier to create a report from your content. All you have to do is bundle your articles together.
4. Ideas are everywhere
Sometimes you get stuck for ideas and end up staring at a blank computer screen. This is very frustrating and wastes a lot of time. To stimulate new ideas use the Google Keyword Tool, visit forums, blogs in your niche, sign up for a Google Alerts account, visit article directories and look for frequently asked questions in your niche at Yahoo Answers.
5. Just start writing
Sometimes when I get stuck for article ideas I just start writing about anything that comes into my mind. This gets my creative juices flowing. It’s so much easier to edit your article after it has been completed than to do it while you’re writing the content.
6. Avoid over analyzation
Try to avoid the temptation of analyzing your content or correcting your spelling mistakes while writing. It will interrupt the flow of ideas and take longer to complete. Leave the editing to the end. It’s also a good idea to take a break for several hours or even a day before publishing the article. You’ll discover grammar and spelling mistakes you never noticed before.
7. Proof read
Get someone else to proof read your content before it is published. They’ll have a more objective view than yourself and will find mistakes you never recognized. Readers get turned off by mistake-ridden articles. On the other hand don’t spend hours or days trying to make your article perfect. It’s better to get it published and working for you as soon as possible.

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