A question I get asked a lot is this one. “How should I start my sales copy? And then how should I follow it up? The answer I am going to give you is going to surprise you if you’re new to this. The truth is, there is no one RIGHT way to start your sales copy. There are many effective ways to start sales copy and I am going to go over a few of them in this article. This list is by no means all inclusive, but it should give you some idea of where to begin.
Sales copy is a journey. The start of the journey is how you introduce your copy to the prospect. The end of the journey is how you finish your message. Everything in between is the content you communicate to the person. And yes, the content should contain certain items. However, the order that these items come is not written in stone. Here are some examples of what I am talking about.
Let’s take a theoretical sales copy for a product that is going to show people how to write articles. One way you can start it is with a simple headline that reads, “Discover How To Write Articles In 30 Minutes Or Less”. You can then follow it up with an intro paragraph that begins something like this, “If I could show you a way to write any article on any subject in 30 minutes or less, would that be worth 5 minutes of your time?” You could then follow that up with a testimonial who has used your course. After the testimonial, you could show a screen print, or better yet a video, of your income generated from article writing. You could then start going into the actual content of the product and list some bullet points.
Okay, that’s one way of doing this. However, just by taking the same information, we could mix things up and still basically say the same thing. The results may be better or worse. The only way to find out is through testing. However, an alternative would be to start your sales copy with the same headline and then immediately after the headline, show the testimonial and then the income proof. This shows credibility right away. Then you could start your story and ask your “If I could…” question.
The point is, regardless of the order in which you present the various pieces of your sales copy, you’re still going to arrive at the same place where you’re asking for the prospect to dig into his wallet and part with his hard earned cash.
For more killer copywriting tips and a comprehensive no nonsense, plain English approach to copywriting, please check the resource in my signature.
The path that you take to your final destination doesn’t matter as long as you get to where you want to go.
To YOUR Success
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