
3 Tips On Writing A Good Article Title

3 Tips On Writing A Good Article Title

The goal of writing an article is for your reader to look at a piece and want to read it, read the entire thing without getting bored, and take something away from the article. A crucial piece to an article’s success is its title. This article will give you tips on writing a good article title.
1. The first tip when writing a title is to use numbered steps. When people are looking at articles to read they enjoy finding ones that come in manageable pieces. Large paragraphs with no end in sight tend to be boring and people will avoid them. However, with a title like “3 tips to…” people are far more likely to begin reading the article because they believe it will be easier to read. Everyone is more willing to do a task that is broken down into smaller tasks for them because they will it is easier.
2. The next way to create a good article title is by using power words. Words such as free, how to, discover, learn, create a sense of urgency, interest, and desire. All of these things are excellent ways to attract a reader’s attention toward your article. Power words make you want to know more. They make you feel like you need to read the article to find out what they are talking about. Use a power word in your title and you are guaranteed to spark interest in many people’s minds.
Do not use this method very often though. A few times should be the most you decide to use this form of title. Unless you word this form of title excellently it will probably back fire on you as people see what you are doing.
It does not matter what style of title you use out of the three listed, as long as you begin using them! This will spice up your titles and make them better which in turn will attract more attention to your articles. Just take a little time and put thought into your titles and it will help you in the long run.
The key to a good article starts with a good title. Use the 3 tips on writing a good article title listed in this article to help you when writing your titles and enjoy the success that comes with it!

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