
The Dos And Don’ts When Writing

Writing, for many people, is kind of difficult and one of the main reasons for this is, they have a hard time writing what they’re thinking. One of the other issues they face is once they have something on paper, it doesn’t read the way they thought it would before writing it down. Now, these are only some of the difficulties many writers face and believe me there are quite a few more. If you’ve been writing for any time at all, you’ll know there are a multitude of things that simply get in the way of writing.
In this article we will talk about some of the dos and don’ts when it comes to writing, and hopefully these will help you in your writing endeavors. The list below will help beginners as well as seasoned writers alike but the sooner you find a problem, the sooner you need to fix it. The first item will not actually be on the list because it’s something you really need to ask yourself. Can you write? If you feel you have a problem with writing, or a problem with people reading your work, it will be very hard to last in this business.
If you can write and have no issues in this area, skip ahead. If you are afraid of what people might think when they read your work, you may want to find something else to do. Don’t get me wrong, you just need to know that people are going to critique your work and most will give you a hard time if your work is full of mistakes and un-readable. With that being said, the first of the dos and don’ts are:
” (Don’t) Write if you don’t enjoy it! – If you don’t enjoy writing and you’re only writing to make money to pay the bills, it won’t last very long. If you get up in the morning and dread thinking about all the writing you have to do, you might as well get a 9-5 job and stop writing.
” (Do) Write about what you like. – If you like writing stories, write stories. If you like writing about people, write about people. If you like to write about internet marketing, reviews, blogs, e-books, and web content, write about them. Find what you like to write about and stick to it.
” (Don’t) Let people bother you when you’re writing. – If you write for a living, you need to have a time during the day or night when you can write, and that’s it! You need this time because you can’t begin to write and have to stop and answer the phone, e-mails, the door, or anything. Dedicate specific time for writing, and during this time don’t let anyone or anything bother you. Turn everything off while writing and check on everything during your breaks.
Writing takes a certain skill set and if you don’t have a way to develop the skills needed to write, you may end up wasting a lot of time that could be better used looking for a different career.

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