
Preparing An Annual Writing Registry 3 Easy Components

Upon completing your writing projects, what system do you have in place to keep a chronological record of your work? How do you annually evaluate where your writing niche is?
Consider using an Annual Writing Registry to help study your number of works created for the year, as well as your scope of genres. You can begin with any month for your yearly evaluation, but I found that the January to December time frame is easier.
When preparing an Annual Writing Registry divide it into three columns, containing the following trouble-free headings:
1. Name of Writing – Title of your composition
2. Writing Genre – The type of writing you created
3. Year Completed – The year your genre was completed (If you want to include the date, that is strictly your call.)
You could use more headings according to your degree and complexity of information, but these titles should be sufficient for starters. This registry will give you a perspective on your style and brand of writing. You will be able to obtain an overview of your writing niche(s).
When I began focusing on my writing development, novels were the initial target. Looking for long term and multiple dividends was not going to happen with writing one novel a year. I found that this approach was limited and definitely not the way to go for a novice. As I branched into writing poetry, articles and short stories, my creativity intensified. When diversifying your compositions, you give yourself options. Quite often we find ourselves working on monumental projects like a novel and think that smaller projects are too menial to waste time on. However, the quality and style of our smaller works can yield credibility and greatly affect the marketability of your larger projects.
The registry serves as a factual report to help you create leveraging while organizing your writing portfolio. Writing can develop into a variety of niches focusing on personal experiences that affect you spiritually, mentally, physically or emotionally.
Each piece of your writing could possibly inspire the creation of another composition. The Annual Writing Registry will help you increase marketing ideas and strategies for finding avenues to showcase your writing projects. If you only plan to write a novel or two for the year, you may not find this registry necessary or helpful. Nevertheless, if you are producing several niches of work for multiple submissions, then this would be an easy starting place for analyzing your completed work.

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