
Types and Prevention of Dental Injuries

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  • May 12, 2009

Dental injuries can cause trauma to our face and teeth due to accidents and other physical injuries. According to Dentist Richmond, anyone can have dental injuries not only through physical activities but also when he or she fails to take proper care of his or her teeth. There are different types of dental injuries, such as neck and facial trauma, that can be treated by surgeons or dentists.

Dentists Richmond said gave some of the most common dental injuries and its causes are the following:

Tooth Fractures
According to dental experts, tooth fractures can either be minor or severe. Tooth fractures expose the dentin and pulp tissue that may displace the tooth. They make the gums bleed.

Chipped Tooth
A chipped tooth involves the chipping of the enamel. Unlike tooth fractures, it is a minor one and is not exactly painful or sensitive, although it could irritate the edges of cheek and tongue due to sharp tooth edges.

Enamel and Dentin Fracture
This kind of fracture may be sensitive to cold temperature. It causes the death of inner pulp tissue when there is prolonged exposure of the dentin, leading to tooth infection.

Richmond Dental said that dental injuries occur if a person gets his or her teeth knocked out. More often than not, it’s the upper front permanent teeth that are commonly knocked out. Dentists can re-implant the teeth within an hour after an accident or injury. They would be reattached to the teeth sockets. Another dental injury is a misplaced tooth that can lead to pulp injury. Experts also added that when a person has dental injury and the pulp tissue dies, there will be serious tooth infection and abscess.

Prevention is important whether minor or severe. Richmond Cosmetic and other dentists said that there are different dental procedures in treating dental injuries. It involves teeth alignment through dental braces, facemasks and mouth guards (especially when used in physical activities like sports).

Another way of dealing with dental accidents, according to Dentistry Richmond, is to avoid biting or chewing hard food or objects. This can lessen the chance of having crack tooth. Cold compress is also advisable when there is swelling due to bitten lip of tongue. Warm water is also used to rinse the mouth whenever there is toothache. Your dentist can definitely help you in the treatment and different remedies for dental injuries. Most dental experts give time in their daily schedules for any emergencies, particularly if there is intense pain. They are able to provide information regarding different dental injury conditions. It is always best to consult your dentist if your teeth are fractured. Your dentist is in a much better position to assess your oral health condition. He or she can give you the necessary advice on how you can deal with fractured teeth.

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