Have you ever wondered if writing articles is worth your time? Are the articles you are writing full of worthy content but yet you never see any money being generated from the articles you are writing? It is very possible that the problem is not in the content you are writing, It’s in your resource box.
Have you ever heard of the “Give and Take” system in article writing? If not let me explain it to you. When someone who knows what they are doing is writing a great feature article, you never see them try to pitch you on their product line or service. Instead, they give you valuable information that relates to their business. In other words, the Give you valuable information that you can take away from the article so you can apply it to yourself in some way shape or form.
The resource box is the place where you Take. You gave them valuable information. Now its time to Take them to your site for more information about you, your business, or your product. If your resource box is not written correctly, then this is the reason you are not generating leads or customers to your site.
This can be done in many ways but I will just focus on 2 things here.
1. Make sure that you tell your audience who you are, what you do, and how you can help them. What is the point in writing a resource box if you can not relay to your readers how valuable you could be to their business. Make sure you call them to action. People in general are followers. Writing a great article gives you credibility and your resource box, directly, your call to action within your resource box tells them where to go to either work with you or buy products from you.
2. Make sure that your tone of voice within your resource box matches the article you have just written. I know that sounds a little strange so allow me to explain. If you are selling toys to the public, your resource box should be lively. You wouldn’t want your resource box to sound like you are running a multi-million dollar business. You would want to sound happy. Then telling them where to go to buy your amazing product. this can do nothing but boost your sales. If you are in marketing, then you certainly want your readers to know how valuable you can be to their business. So your tone might be a little more serious than someone who sells toys. Although you don’t have to always sound serious in business to get the results you are looking for.
To put it in a nut shell, Having a compelling resource box with good information about you and your business is great if you have a call to action somewhere in the box. If you don’t, Well, you might want to think about rewriting yours to get the results you are looking for. You may want to practice with different types of writings to see which ones get the clicks to your site. If you track all of your clicks and where they are coming from, consider putting in a tracking code to see which resource box is getting results.
Hello, my name is Jeff Lackey. Teaching and mentoring others how to become successful in their own business is a passion of mine. The marketing industry has come a long way and the only way to be successful in it is to be trained by the best in the business. Knowing what strategies to use, and how to use them correctly can be the difference in gaining new customers, as well as keeping repeat customers, versus throwing your money in the garbage due to a lack of knowledge in todays marketing world. Don’t be the one left in the dark.
I have the resources available and I can offer them to you. Go to: [http://www.beyond6figures.com?t=ezine] and sign up with your name and email. Just for taking the time to do that, I’ll send you a free pdf of the book: Think And Grow Rich. It’s a must read for anybody who is in business or looking to start a business. Your business is about you making money. My business is about helping you achieve in your business.
It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.
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