
Journaling Brings Peace Of Mind

Journaling helps you to live in the present moment. You can only be responsible for your own actions in this moment of time. You may have heard the expression, “Yesterday is gone and we do not know what tomorrow will bring.” This is true that we can not change the past but it is your current thoughts, words, and actions that can bring healing from the past. Likewise, your future goals are developed by thinking in the present moment.
Most of our world does not operate under a “live in the moment” mentality. People tend to live in the past or focus on the future. Why? I’m not sure. I guess if you have not dealt with the past pain, then it finds itself in your present thoughts and you can feel like it is happening now because you are reliving it. This is why I think the 12-step program for addictions has been so successful. They take the time to honestly look at the past, bring it to the light, try to amend any hurt or wrongdoing, and help others from their current circumstances and onward.
The future is pushed on us continually through marketing, such as insurance and ad campaigns. The thought of, “I’ll be happy when…” starts to infiltrate your thought process. We can be robbed of our happiness because we begin to think happiness is in the future and tomorrow never come. Don’t wait for the ‘what ifs’ and the tomorrows.
By journaling and identifying with the now, you can let go of past pain or regrets and let go of future concerns or worries.
Journaling in the present moment also allows you to take ownership of your actions and thoughts. You can’t hide behind blame and frustration, pointing a finger at the world. No-this is about you, right now, and how you will make wise choices.
I did a short exercise once and wrote about what would make me happy if I had time and money. My answers were simple, like pet our cat, write, read, Journal, and spend time with my husband, step-daughter, and friends. I’d enjoy music, dance, and food. I quickly realized that these were things I could consciously do starting that day. I did not need to wait for time, money, a successful business, or outside realities. In the beginning it was a bit like forcing myself to stop and pet the cat. But the more I did it, the more I enjoyed being in that present moment and the more I felt content, happy and at peace. People want to feel at peace, and by bringing yourself to the present moment and doing things that are life-giving, you will be living this reality.
Sometimes it helps to look at nature, such as a sunset, water, or the sky, to bring you to that moment of awe. In that very moment, that split instant, I know that everything is OK even in the midst of pain, confusion, or sadness.
Take a moment now to reflect on your breathing. Take deeper breaths and clear your mind. Imagine a busy bee stopping to sit on a flower. The bee has stopped being busy. Be in the moment. Feel the peace.

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