
How To Write Reader-Friendly Articles – Reliable Tips For Coaches

Are you one of those online coaches who are using article marketing in promoting coaching programs online? Then, this one is for you. I’d like you to know that making your articles informative isn’t enough to get maximum clickthrough rate. If you really want your audience to read your articles until the end and click through your resource box, you must know how to give them great reading experience. Here’s how you can do that:
1. First step is to write an introduction that will make your audience want to read on. You need to put your best foot forward each time you’re writing this part. Remember, if your readers were not compelled after reading the first couple of sentences, they’ll leave your articles alone and move to the next one. To avoid this from happening, write your introduction in such a way that you can get your readers on the edge of their seats. How to do that? Well, you can tell these people what’s in it for them. They’ll surely read on if they’re aware that reading your articles will benefit them. Whenever possible, make use of compelling statements or make use of mind-boggling questions.
2. Keep it simple. One of the good things about writing for online users is that these people are not looking for something complicated or something that sounds like an entry from an old encyclopedia. So you can forget about using big, fancy words. Also, don’t bother to write lengthy sentences and paragraphs. Just communicate your ideas as if you’re personally talking to these people. It’s okay (actually, it’s highly recommended) to use conversational tone and simple terms all the time.
3. Do not talk about your coaching programs on your article body. If you think that promoting your products and services on your article body will help you secure more sales, you better think again. Think about this; when online users read articles, they expect to get useful information and nothing more. If you make sales pitches or worst, make your articles sound like blatant ads, you’ll lose their interest in a heartbeat. You don’t want that to happen, do you? So, focus on making these people happy first so they’ll be enticed to respond to your call to action later on. You can do this by giving them expert tips and advice. Ensure that all the information you offer are useful and unique.
4. Ensure that your articles are flawless. Just like you, online users do not really like reading articles that are flawed. As a writer, it’s your job to ensure that they will not get such articles. Before you distribute yours in the online arena, take the time to proofread them manually. Running them against grammar and spelling checkers will not do the trick. Ensure that they’re free from grammar, spelling, factual, and even punctuation errors especially those that can great affect the reading experience of your audience.

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