
Top Four Tips For Fresh Copywriting Ideas

Do you get a big copywriting assignment or find yourself copywriting for your own website or blog and can’t think of a thing? If your brain feels empty of ideas, it has nothing to do with the quality of your brain. Even the grandest fireplace won’t give out heat if there are no logs on the grate.
The main reason you get copywriter’s block is because you haven’t given yourself enough raw material to work with. Here are four fabulous ways to get your big brain properly fueled up.
1.) Do more research on your topic.
If you think you have already written up your topic every way you can think of, you haven’t gone deep enough. Keep digging and new angles will keep turning up. You’ll find out how the shoe manufacturer you are writing about collapsed and revived three times in its sixty year history – and this provides hot tips you can share about how to revive it again today. You’ll discover that early English pirates tossed cacao beans overboard when they captured a Spanish ship because they could not conceive of chocolate. You can then write about how a most unpromising beginning can be turned into marketing gold.
2.) Get out in the world.
Walk, bike, sit in an outdoor cafe, observing closely. The change of scene will stir up your copywriter neurons. You will be surprised at how new ideas just pop into your head. You’ll see a little girl playing with a Great Dane larger than herself and suddenly decide to write an article on power relationships that are not what they seem. Or a farm truck fighting its way downtown will set you on a series of articles about how food really gets on your city table.
3.) Search the newspapers with a fine-toothed comb.
You’d be amazed at how just about everything can be turned into copy. An item about a big fire can spark an article on the ten top fire safety tips for your home. A political scandal can generate a blog post about how to hire accounting watchdogs. The story of a gardening tour gives you an article on five ways a garden changes your life for the better.
4.) Keep excellent reference books – and use them.
Random paging through the dictionary, thesaurus or specialized text will yield loads of ideas. A phrase from a thesaurus, such as “sensational feeling” can spur you to write about how four ways feelings affect job performance. Look up, say, “diplomacy” and find two very different synonyms – “statesmanship”and “intrigue”. Right there you have the basis for an instantly relevant article on corporate CEO does and don’ts.
In no time, your copywriter brain will be roaring with fresh fuel and you will be writing as fast are your fingers can fire out the words.

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