
Avoiding Article Writing Burnout – Finding New Ideas For Writing Articles

If you are new to article marketing, you will soon learn you can get burned out on new articles ideas quickly. You will soon be asking yourself “what do I write about now?” Then the writer’s block sets in…what now? It does not have to be that way. Here we will expose the ways to find new and interesting ideas for writing articles.
You might have sat down to write a new article in your niche only to stare at a blank computer screen and nothing seems to come from your brain, to the keyboard to the screen. When I say nothing, I mean not a single idea. We have all been there so do not worry. There are many places to turn for new article ideas. Here are a few:
– TV. One of my most successful articles came from a TV news show I was watching one day. It happened to be a segment on a niche that I was writing articles for. I took a few notes but could not get all of the ideas fast enough. Thank goodness for the Internet. I later went online, played the show back and gathered enough information to write a blockbuster of an article.
– Ask around. Ask friends, family or counterparts what questions they might have on the subject or niche you are writing about. You can also check out forums in the niche to see what questions or concerns people are having. If you can find common problems people are having, that will make a great subject to write about. You could write one article about the problem and then another article about the solution to the problem.
– Existing articles. Your articles will more than likely be rejected if you decide to rewrite your previously published articles by just changing a few words or paragraphs. It is better to rewrite your existing articles from a different perspective or focus. For example, if you wrote an article called “How to Overcome Objections To A Sale,” you could rewrite it by writing:
“5 Things Not To Do To Keep From Being Rejected At A Sale”
“3 Ways That Are Sure To Kill Your Sales”
“Identifying Objections Before A Sale”
“Why People Have Objections To Sales”
“Why You Should Not Worry About Objections To A Sale”
Just change the focus and you change the complete article except it is still based on the same information and research. These are just a few ways to find new article ideas and keep from getting burned out when writing articles. There are more exciting ideas to keep your articles fresh and easy to create. Want to know more?

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