
The Faster You Can Write, The More Money You Can Make!

If you are churning out articles by the dozen, it is obvious that you would be making more money than the writers writing for money online who can only write a single 500 word article in an hour. If you want to increase your income, it is ultimately important for you to master the art of writing articles at lighting speed.
How to Begin
It is normal for an article writer to struggle a little when completing his first writing assignment. If you are taking an hour or more to complete an article, do not despair. This is the normal speed for a newbie and over time, you would learn effective ways to speed up your writing so you can write one high quality, well-researched and grammatically correct articles in less than 15 minutes.
Let’s look at killer ways to write articles at lighting speed.
Belief System
Most of our actions are governed by our belief system. The first barrier to break lies within the realms of your own mind and perhaps the most difficult one. Take a deep breath and position yourself in a totally relaxed position. When you are totally at ease with yourself and your surroundings, start visualizing yourself doing the necessary research and then write out articles at top speed, with words flowing one after another automatically. Imagine yourself doing all this and then feel the satisfaction of getting the work done in a fraction of the time it usually takes you to write up one article. Spend 15 minutes per day doing this mental exercise and you would experience the difference after a week or two.
Lighting Speed Research
Once you feel confident enough of the new mental image you have in your mind, start by doing a Google search with the keyword and add the word “articles” at the end of the phrase you are targeting to write. This should get you some nice results you can use right away, instead of sales letters or irrelevant data. If you want a simpler way, simply click on to and type your keyword in the search box over. Open up five articles which you feel meet your requirement in separate windows.
Now get a piece of a paper and scribble down the most important points from those articles. Just gather the facts and all the data you need to write one article of your own. You need about 4-5 points to craft a well-researched single 500 word article. This is important to ensure you make enough money writing for money online.
Rapid Organization
Now quickly rearrange the points you have gathered during the research, to get the article flowing nicely. Do this quickly in under a minute or so. Now you are ready to begin writing.
Speed Writing
Get yourself into a relaxed position and take a deep breath. Remember those visualization sessions you have been doing earlier? That would come in handy now. If you have practiced enough, words would start to flow and you would begin writing from the start to the end without worrying about typos, edits or whatever changes. That can be done later. Once competed, this is the time for edits. You would probably spend around 5 minutes on this task alone.
If you follow the guidelines we have shared writing for money online, you would find yourself writing an article in less than 15 minutes. Soon you would be churning out article in less than 15 minutes without compromising on the quality or structure of the article.

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