
When Is It Okay To Insert A Healthy Ego Into Your Online Articles

Should you allow your ego to flow in your online articles, and if so when might that be appropriate? Some online article authors and especially those that are extremely politically correct will tell you it’s never appropriate. However, I completely disagree, and I do not worry about my ego flowing into my articles, this because I know I am very good at what I do, or I wouldn’t be writing the article the first place.
Now, I’m not about to attempt to hide my ego, because it is an earned ego. There are some people who enjoy authors who are timid and extremely politically correct, and show very little ego their articles. That’s fine, and you must understand that if that is the type of clientele you are looking for, that makes sense. For instance let’s say you are a self-help psychologists author and you are dealing with people who have low self-esteem, and are somewhat depressed. In this case you want to force all of your positive energy onto that person who is reading the article rather than exuding ego from yourself.
In my writing, I am looking for superstars of humanity, people who are human plus, people who are plugged in and turned on, with active minds. Therefore, if someone is worried about my ego or that turns them off – it’s probably not the kind of person I’m looking for anyway.
So let’s recap here, if you have an unearned ego, it has no business in your articles, because it is fake and you are blowing smoke, as you are not as good as you proclaim. However if you haven’t earned ego, and you at the top of your field and industry then it’s okay to say the truth, otherwise you are misrepresenting yourself the opposite way.
Finally do not forget the reality that your customer matters, that type of person you are trying to attract by writing the article the first place. If you are looking for weak people to help, or prey upon to sell your junk on the Internet (in that case I have little respect for you) – then you may not want to put any ego into your articles at all, other than that, as long as you are not over the top, you should be fine.
This really is an important topic for online writers, and the advice out there currently is very shallow and ill-thought out, so Indeed, hope you’ll please consider this.

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