
How To Write When You Have Children

Writing with children running around, music blaring, and the TV going is not something most people can do successfully. If you’re in the group that can’t make this happen, it’s important to find a way to make your writing happen when this isn’t happening.
One way to do this is to do all of your writing while the children are napping. Babies, toddlers, and younger children usually take at least one nap a day, so you need to utilize this time to your advantage. The key to making this happen is to plan. You need to plan your day so you know when nap time will be. When you do this you’ll be ready to start writing when the time comes.
Planning will need to include your work time and the family things you must do. This will include anything you’re doing with your business, meal time, activities the children will be doing, and anything else you have going in your day. When you do this you’ll be completely ready to write when nap time hits.
Another way to make writing happen is to get up an hour or two before the children get up. If you’re children don’t get up at the same time each day, this can be a huge challenge so you might want to consider creating and implementing a routine to make it happen. Setting an alarm and getting them up at the same time each day will help with this routine. It may take a couple of weeks to get it to work, but once you do, you’ll be able to get up before they do to get your writing done.
When you’re trying to get your schedule in place you may find the children are going to bed too early or too late to make the time you want them to get up to happen so you’ll need to play with this just a little. One thing to remember is that it’s not going to happen overnight, so it’s a good idea to change to a new time and try it for three or four days before you give up and try a new time. Try a couple of different times before you decide on the official time as you may find another one that works better.
One last option is to either hire someone to come to your house and watch the kids or find another mother in the area that works at home as well. Hiring someone to come to your house will keep the children right with you and in visual distance, but it gives you the ability to not worry about what they’re doing. This person can be a teenager or someone else that wants to make a little extra cash.
Play dates are a good way for your children to play with others and it gives you the ability to have quite time to yourself where you can write and not be distracted. Now you’ll need to remember you will need to offer this same thing to the mother you’re doing this with, so you’ll need to plan that into your week.
Writing with children in the house is possible when you use the tips from this article. You’ll find when you use one or more of them you’ll be able to making your writing happen. You might consider trying all of them to see which one will work best for you.

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