
How To Develop Your Own Unique Writing Voice

Everyone has their own writing voice, developed over time and with practice. This article will give you tips for developing your own unique writing voice.
Your writing voice includes several qualities: diction (word choice), syntax (word order), rhythm, and use of imagery and idioms. One of the most important things you need to remember, as a writer, is to write vividly, precisely, and clearly. Easier said than done, I know. Here are a few more tips to help your voice stand out.
1. Sound like yourself
One mistake beginning writers make is trying to sound like someone else. There is no need to try to use elevated vocabulary to make you look smarter, for instance. As Janet Burroway says in her brilliant writing book, Imaginative Writing, “the language that comes naturally to you is the fine and proper foundation of your voice.”
2. Increase your vocabulary
While you don’t want to sound like someone else, it is helpful for a writer to be familiar with words. Words are the only essential tool in your toolbox, after all. Learning more vocabulary will give you more raw materials to develop your essays, stories, and articles.
Increase your vocabulary by listening to how others speak or with word-a-day calendars or simply by reading more than you watch television. As you read, note the words you aren’t familiar with and look them up. This is where writers must start, no matter what age or level you are at.
3. Think about your audience
Our speaking voices change depending on who we are speaking to. It is only natural that our writing voice changes depending on the audience, as well. For instance, when you speak to your boss or your teacher, you may phrase things differently and use different vocabulary than when you speak to a close friend.
The words you use depend on who is reading your work. Audience matters.
Activities to Help Develop Your Own Voice
Try telling the same anecdote from the voice of several different characters. Notice how a teenager tells the story differently from a senior citizen, for instance. Or consider how the voice of these people will change depending on their geographical location or educational background.
To experiment with diction, consider the differences in the following words: beautiful, striking, handsome, cute. These are all synonyms found in the thesaurus, but they each have different associations. Try using each word to describe someone different. Think about the type of person who fits each word.
You’re on your way to becoming a better writer. Learn more about writing at The Writing Apprentice: []. I look forward to seeing you there!

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