
Are You Prepared In Body And Mind To Be A Creative Writer

Being a creative writer is not only about having pens and paper, or a word processor, and just writing. Yes that’s at the core of it, the essential process of writing. But to be as creative as you can be, and to truly live up to your writing potential, it’s important to prepare yourself. This involves two elements, body and mind, or the physical and the mental.
Here are some powerful tips for each to get you ready to be the best writer you can be:
Most important on the physical side is having the right equipment available. You don’t need fancy pens or expensive paper or the latest laptop to be a writer. But you do need to have materials that are easy for you to work with.
Creative ideas come from everywhere and at any time, so you need a way to capture and collect these ideas. The easiest way – tried and tested by writers for centuries – is to carry some kind of notebook with you, then jot down the ideas as they come to you.
The other part of the physical side is the environment where you do most of your writing. Do you have somewhere set up to write, somewhere you can go to easily and get straight into writing without having to rearrange half the room first?
Do all you can to make writing freely as easy as possible for yourself. Have your equipment organized and close to hand, and make your creative writing space as comfortable as possible for you to write without hindrance.
Being prepared mentally is even more important. What kind of mindset do you have in place about being a writer? How do you see yourself as a writer?
Take a few moments to finish this sentence in as many ways as you can:
“As a writer, I am…”
Just write everything that comes to mind. Notice then how positive your responses are. How do theses replies fit with you being a prolific, creative writer?
What do you believe about yourself as a writer? What do you think you’re capable of? Be honest with yourself. If your answers are negative and full of doubt, it will serve you and your writing well long term to work on these thoughts and beliefs.
What beliefs about yourself and your writing do you need to have to be the best writer you can be? Write them down. Then start repeating them regularly to yourself, until they become embedded in your mind.
By following these tips on preparing yourself physically and mentally, you’ll be more able to become the creative writer you know deep down you’re capable of.
Which tip are you going to use to start helping you today?

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