Do you write high quality articles but it will take you hours to write one? Or you could crank out articles after articles but the quality is below par? To succeed with article marketing you need to strike a balance. You must write high quality content and write as many as you can, on schedule. We all know that to make article marketing campaign successful you need to dominate your niche with high quality content. After all, article marketing is really just a numbers game. Writing 20 or even 50 articles won’t cut it anymore. To win at it, you need to crush it with volumes of content.
If you want to acquire the ability to write articles that are high quality and write them at warp speed, you must be willing to practice constantly and adopt proven techniques. Here are some tips to come up with quality articles that give value to your readers and write them at a speedier rate:
1. Batch non- writing tasks. Do your keyword research. Brainstorm as many headlines and have them handy. Titles can also serve as writing prompts. Do your research. If you have to interview someone or a group of people allot this particular time. Hang out in forums where your potential buyers gather. Investigate your target market’s wants, desires, frustrations, problems, fears and ambitions.
If your potential customers are buying tools and information products, check what are they and where they bought it from. You can formulate your hook or unique selling proposition this way. You will have more advantage from among your competition if you spend a little more time with this technique. Check out yahoo answers,, and and all the rest of the other Q and A sites or your niche’s forums. Analyze and craft your articles according to your industry’s Frequently Asked Questions.
2. Set a time box of 20 to 30 minutes to write the article body. Always refer to your outline. Use bulleted lists or numbers for easy writing and smooth transitions between important points. Write fast without reservations. Shut-off your inner critic. Productivity not perfection is the aim here. Edit later. Insert targeted keywords every hundred words. Try to make it sound conversational not robotic.
3. Specialize on one or two topics. You can write multiple series of articles on the same subject without repeating yourself. This will save you time on research by not going back and forth with your notes. You know your topic like the back of your hand.
4. Sharpen your typing skills. Practice makes perfect.
Article marketing is still one of the best cost-effective way to promote your business. It will get you a lot of traffic to your website. It can elevate you into expert status in the least time possible. It can make your brand recognizable and build credibility.
If you can write articles fast, you will be able to beat tight deadlines. You have a faster turnaround time. You will have the confidence to bid on more writing assignments, because you know you can handle a huge workload. Consequently, improving your cash flow.
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