If you are looking for a career where you can operate from almost anywhere in the world with a phone and a computer, and create a large income for yourself, then copywriting is for you. Of course you will need to do the background work needed for success, but once you have a system, you can easily make six figures a year just writing words on paper.
Copywriters are the persuasive geniuses behind all of the advertising and marketing messages that we receive every day. They know how to use words to tug at our emotions and show us how a product can solve a burning problem that we have in our lives. Sometimes we don’t even know that we have the problem and copywriters bring those issues to light.
If you are going to learn to be a copywriter you must study the work of those that are already successful. Look at the old ads of the masters. Find control mailing campaigns that have worked for years. Don’t just study the words that they are using. Look at the flow and the rhythm of the copy. The best copywriters use a conversational tone, as if they are talking to a person over coffee. They don’t use a bunch of hype, but they do create a mood that fascinates the reader into wanting to know more.The best copywriting will give 90% of the answer to the problem, but the reader will have to buy the product to find out the rest.
Most of the success of copywriters lies in their work on sales letters. These are the most successful persuasion tools that the copywriters have, and are the most lucrative way to sell in almost any industry. You don’t even have to become a copywriter for anyone else. If you can learn how to create successful sales letters, you can easily promote your own products and become very wealthy.
Sales letters are basically just selling in print. They are a conversation between the copywriter and the reader. A good copywriter only talks to one person at a time. The word “you” is used a lot. I always like to imagine that I am writing a letter to my grandmother and I need to convince her that the product I am offering is critical to her happiness. I picture that she does not know much about the product, but she is already in the product niche that I am marketing towards. You can do the same thing once you start writing sales letters. Go for the world of copywriting. You can write your way to wealth and you no longer have to work for a boss ever again. It’s just you and the customers.
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