So is “article marketing” really worth your time and effort? Is there even such a thing as a “keyword optimized” article? If you have to think hard about these questions, then I bet you’re skeptical about the benefits of writing articles. And if you are, keep reading because I’m going to explain exactly why articles are perfect for traffic generation.
1. First of all, when people are searching for things online usually don’t even care about the ads they see everywhere. It’s simple. They want a solution to their problems, or some information on a subject of interest. And they’ll use Google and other search engines to find this information… by typing in keywords related to their interests into the search engine. So if they want to find information about home business opportunities, they would type “home business opportunity” or “start a home business”. These are just a few, but you get the idea.
2. Second, once they have typed something in the search bar… they will be given a page of results for their search. They’ll look through all the different results and decide which one to click based on the title. If it’s your article they come across, you’ll just made contact with a qualified lead. It’s that simple.
3. Third, if you are consistent with your article writing (and you should be) you’ll get loads of targeted free traffic to your website. You see, the people that read your articles are much more qualified than people who click on an ad. And this is because of the value they’ve received from your article.
Here’s a list of things you could do to make sure your articles get found online:
Write about topics you know well.
Write about topics that have potential customers.
Make sure your titles are extremely attractive. This will help you get more opens.
Be as helpful as possible when writing your articles.
Have a great conversational tone when writing your content.
Write your own content. Don’t copy other people’s work.
4. Finally, get some serious traffic with social media marketing. Distribute your articles all over the place. Put them in blogs, forums, article directories and your Facebook wall. Put them wherever you can get target leads. Make sure that you are sending these people to your website. You want to get as many leads as possible and to do this; you need to take massive action.
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