Effective copy must reach the mind of your prospects and create a relationship by letting them know:
• You know what their problem is
• You know the pain they are in
• You have a solution to take away their pain or problem – your product/service.
Step 1: The Problem
Define your target audiences Problem. You do this by asking your list “What are the 3 biggest challenges you are facing in”…(your topic)? If you don’t have a list, call 10 prospects in your target audience. Tell them you need their help with an article you are writing on your topic. If your topic were Internet Marketing, you might ask, What are the 3 biggest challenges you are facing in getting more traffic, converting more hits to sales and taking more time off? Their answers will tell you how to solve their Problems.
Step 2: The Benefit
Next tell them the Benefit they will get by buying your product. It’s the answer to the age-old question: What’s in it for me? Your product provides the Benefits of more traffic, higher conversion rates, greater earnings…and the ultimate benefit: more free time to enjoy the lifestyle they desire.
Step 3: The Solution…Your Product
Tell them you have the Solution to their problem. It is “The Mentor Club,” your product that will provide the benefits of boosting their traffic, tripling their conversion rates, and giving them more free time.
Step 4: Overcoming Objections
Even after you have accomplished the first 3 steps, the human mind will naturally object to buying. The reason? They’ve heard all these promises before. TV, newspapers, magazines, radio, internet all assure amazing wealth and freedom if you buy, buy, buy. Most of us have experienced buying a product that did not provide the promise guaranteed. So, we need to answer any objections in advance by explaining, Many people have purchased ebooks, attended seminars, taken courses and nothing happened. This is because they were told the “What-To’s” and were not given the step-by-step process of the “How-To’s.” You would then tell them how your product will do just that. Then you continue to answer any other objections to buying.
Step 5: Testimonials
Most buyers don’t want to be the first… and no one wants to make a mistake. This is why testimonials are necessary. They can be solicited from current customers who have praised you, your product or service. The formula for an effective testimonial is:
a. What was it like before buying the product? Before I found my own internet marketing mentor, I struggled with little or no traffic. I could not convert the few hits I did receive and I struggled and worked harder and longer hours with no results…
b. Tell what happened: Once I started working with my mentor, everything changed. After a few days of reading the material and asking specific questions which were answered, I boosted my traffic, converted three times more prospects into buyers, cut my work by 2 hours a day…and made more money!
c. Tell how the Testimonial should advise: Anyone looking to boost their traffic, increase conversions and work less needs to have a mentor. It will be the smartest decision you ever make in the Internet Marketing Business.
d. Put the name, city and URL address of the testimonial giver. This shows your testimonials are from real people.
Step 6: The Guarantee
Any reputable product must offer a guarantee. Simply using the word “guarantee” is not enough. Tell the prospect exactly what will happen if they are not satisfied. If for any reason you are not 100% satisfied with the product just cancel your membership and I’ll refund all the money you’ve paid. Plus, you’ll keep the bonuses! This is called “overcoming a barrier to buying.” When you remove the biggest barrier of all…fear of being cheated and wasting money, you increase your conversion rate.
Step 7: Establishing Your Points of Difference
What makes you different and better than anyone else? Now is the time to brag, tell them what you have done, what you have done for others and how they can experience the same results. This college dropout went from an $8-an-hour pizza delivery job to retiring at age 30. He has coached hundreds of people just like you to make more money on the Internet. All you have to do to get started is to have the right mentor and Terry Dean is the one. Now comes the call to action. Click here to get started. Sign up now, get your free report, move the prospect to a buyer. And enjoy the benefits of success.
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