Vintage is a constant trend especially when it comes to handbags all the A list celebrities have a vintage bag in their collection. Vintage costume jewellery is always going up in price depending on the type of jewellery you buy and the era you buyfrom, which can also make a great investment. There are two iconic bags in which every collector should purchase. The first, Hermes Birkin and secondthe Chanel 2.55 bag.
The French fashion house Chanel, is one of the only brands who have kept their reputation intact as many still view it as the fashion powerhouse. The Chanel 2.55 bag is a Chanel classic flap bag. This is dated pack to 1955 where Coco Chanel made a comeback.This bag was updated version from the 1929 bag when she entered the fashion world. The Chanel 2.55 bag is a well-known vintage handbag that has been reputable in the fashion world.
This series of bags were named 2.55 because they were first designed in February 1955. In February 1955 Ms Coco Chanel marketed a new series of bags. Those bags were concisely designed. The golden chain made it easier to carry the bag so that the females were free from the trammel of bags when they had to use their hands to do something. Because of the convenience Chanel 2.55 became popular in the market.
Sale Chanel bag is catalogued among those very few elite brands that still continue to hold their value since many years. While many fashion brands out there seem to decline in value after it’s worn, the original Chanel never loses popularity even it become older and rarer the piece. Every year lots of these bags are produced by manufactures. And the stores make huge benefits every year by selling these bags.
However, you are not getting an original Chanel 2.55 in the stores except for some second hand markets. In 2005, the designer Karl marketed the first generation of reissued Chanel 2.55 to celebrate its fiftieth birthday. From then on the Chanel 2.55 bags we buy are all reissued versions. Reissued 2.55 are made of special material to achieve the effect of restoring ancient ways. Besides, this material is easy to maintain, which makes the bags easier to handle with.
The classical 2.55 bags were designed with three inner pockets, the smallest one was designed to put lipstick. The design owning so wonderful detail was still very rare at that time. Each Chane2.55 handbag must go through tailoring, fitting, sewing, cutting, stitching, fitted with zippers, grommets … a series of embedded processes, all of the handbags are from a factory near Paris, what’s more, in addition to leather and lining cutting are accomplished assisted with sewing machine, other steps require six workers to spend 10 hours by hand. After 180 procedures, a qualified CHANEL bag can just regarded as the qualified one.
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