
4 Most Effective SEO Article Writing Tips For Coaches

Writing SEO articles is definitely one of the best things that you can do when selling information-based products in the online arena. Search engine-friendly, high quality articles can easily help you grab your target audience by the throat who are mainly using the internet when they’re in need of specific information.
Below are the 4 most writing effective tips to keep in mind in order to easily create amazing SEO articles:
1. Target the right keywords. Always start the process by getting a list of the most popular keywords and keyphrases that are closely related to your coaching programs. Then, choose those long tail keywords that are not targeted by most of your competitors. These would be your main or primary keywords. Continue by listing down related terms and phrases. You can get these on the same list or you can look for the synonyms of your main keywords. You will also need to use these on your articles as they’ll help you in convincing the search spiders that your content is really relevant to your chosen keywords.
2. Follow acceptable keyword density. You don’t want to use too many keywords on each of your articles. This is not only because it will make your content sound redundant and annoying but also because keyword abuse is a big no-no for major search engines and directories. You wouldn’t want your articles to get rejected, right? The acceptable keyword density is still 2% of your word count. This simply means that you’re free to use your chosen keywords once or twice for every 100 words. Don’t forget to insert them on your titles and on your resource box as well.
3. Offer real value to your readers. Making your articles search engine-friendly isn’t the only thing that you would want to achieve in this endeavor. More than that, you would want to impress your readers. Making these people happy will surely give you a better shot at winning their hearts and confidence. Doing this is relatively easy but I must say that it will require more attention to details. Start by talking about topics that are related to your coaching programs. I would suggest that you focus on talking about the problems of your prospects and their goals that can be solved or can be achieved through your offerings. Don’t forget to offer expert tips and advice. Also, ensure that each of your articles speak volumes about your in-depth knowledge in your chosen niche.
4. Keep yourself updated on the ever-changing algorithms of major search engines. Google and other giant search engines are constantly changing the guidelines that they’re using when indexing articles and web pages. It’s important that you keep yourself posted about these so you’ll know exactly what you need to do in order to secure better page ranking for your articles.

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