
Why UK Article Writers Are Proving More Popular With Businesses

80% of my clients are based in the UK, looking specifically for UK article writers to create SEO articles and content. Even though my website states several times that I am native to the UK, I still get asked the question a good many times.
It seems that for those companies and businesses who are actively seeking UK article writers it is important to make sure that the person to whom you give the task is not merely farming it out to other people who might be anywhere on the planet.
For businesses which are based in the United Kingdom, and whose target audience are also based in the UK, it is clearly important to make sure that the person representing your business through search engine optimised web content and marketing articles is speaking the same language.
It’s often the little things, such as attention to local current affairs, an understanding of the peculiar British sense of humour, and of course the many colloquialisms and odd turns of words that simply don’t make any sense when translated, and pass many people by who don’t speak English as the first language.
Now don’t get me wrong, I think it is fantastic that there are so many people who create online content in English, yet do not speak it as their first language. I couldn’t write articles in any other language, and my only strategy for making myself understood when abroad is to speak up more loudly.
But UK article writers are able to represent UK businesses to UK audiences in ways that are more natural, and better received. In today’s world of quick and easy communication it can be very easy to fire off an email without really thinking about its tone, vocabulary or phrasing, and this can sometimes have disastrous consequences in terms of PR. Sometimes a perfectly good translation of an article into English simply doesn’t have the right feel to it.
The key point as far as UK based businesses are concerned is that the SEO article writer is single-handedly responsible for the public representation of the business.
For many customers the first voice they ‘hear’ is that of the article writer’s, and so to them the business actually is the article writer. If the impression is that the business is advertising itself as British, but when it communicates it does so with an international voice, this can detract from the impression that’s intended.
This is why so many more businesses are realising that rather than always opting for the cheapest option, it’s worth looking for UK article writers with a real pedigree in English writing, and an understanding of one of the most peculiar, idiosyncratic and often downright awkward languages on the planet.

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