As a passionate article writer, I found extended motivation recently to write more extensively while undertaking the fourth HAHD (100 Articles in 100 Days) challenge. Having written and submitted more than the required 100 articles within three to four weeks, I decided to push through to the extended challenge by writing and submitting 200 articles in the same 100 days.
My articles are typically health and environmentally focused with a major emphasis in Organic from a growing perspective as well as a consumer or user point of view. I also write about social issues relating to Special Needs Education and Education in general.
After being diagnosed with Stress related High Blood Pressure half way through the fourth HAHD challenge, I had to look for an extra motivational factor to write about. After a small pause in writing and submitting to Ezine Articles, I found the motivation I needed to recommence writing in my belief in organic gardening.
As a qualified Horticulturalist with several years experience over the past two decades, I began to write about some of the ideas I had discovered over the years and my experiences and successes in that time. I was lucky in that while writing I found my stresses relieving as I remembered some of my old gardening experiences.
My motivation to write now served two purposes. I found several article ideas and my stress and anxiety was coming under control.
When writing articles, it is important to write about something that you have experience in, even if you need to research for extended facts and information.
I have often read articles online about a subject I was interested in only to read the authors resource box to find the link they are promoting is completely removed from the subject being written about. Some times your subject matter may be directly removed from your resource box, but there should always be a connection. A fisherman might write about how to make the perfect batter and could be justified in doing so because there is a connection. The same fisherman may lose credibility if writing about how to change a tyre on a bike and promoting his fishing business in the resource box.
Suffice to say your motivation should come from your experiences and your resource should have a connection to that.
Five Simple steps to motivate you to write.
Write about your current life and experiences. Work you content around who you are and what you do.
Look to your past experiences. Write about how your past has affected your present or your previous work experience.
What’s on the News? There’s always something-new happening in the world to write about.
Who, What, When, Where, and Why. Five articles could be written about the same article from five different perspective’s.
Just start writing. Ideas often come from simple Notes about all sorts of topics.
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