
How Do Writers Become The Authors They Are?

Not long ago, I was speaking with an acquaintance about why I write so much. No, this is not an uncommon question. Indeed, I’ve been asked this 100s of times over the years. Specifically though, I guess what intrigues me the most is why anyone becomes a writer. You see, it is hard work, and the more you write the easier it gets, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have to put in long hours to get there. Now then, I am not just any writer as I am a prolific online article writer, a different sort of writer than mainstream media reporters, writers, or their literary fiction author counterparts. Okay so, let’s talk shall we?
The psychological aspect of why someone becomes a writer might be intriguing, although from my studies of “creativity” such as those who produce the best fictional works, as per Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi appear to come from so many different places, life-experiences, and cultures, or sub-cultures, each one seems to be unique, although there are similarities of categories if we chose to categorize such fascinating individuals – which is hard to do, as they are quite often so unique.
Then there are the “creative genius eminent achiever” prolific writers and authors, again I find such a wide array of personality types, motivations, and such besides the basic ones discussed by folks like Garner and Simonton. So, why do people write? That is a loaded questions; it depends on the individual. Do they need some sort of self-expression, is it due to narcissism, or just an over creative mind? Are they normal, better, tormented, depressed, hypomanic, what gives? Sure, it could be one of those or perhaps a dozen other psychological reasons, but again it depends.
Some writers think they are better than others, smarter, more intelligent, indeed some are. Some are suffering from embellished self-delusion and their writing is clearly lacking, simplistic, and uneventful. Personally, I don’t consider myself a “writer” however I do write a ton of content, more or less I am interested in the concepts, thoughts, ideas, innovations, and information I write about. It seems that writing is a decent avenue to getting that information out to the world, that is why I write.
But I guess at this point, I am not in search of why I write, I am more interested in why you write. So, why not drop me an email at some point so we can discuss all this and get to the bottom of it, let’s compare notes so to speak shall we?

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