Why Writer’s Block Is A Myth For Professional Copywriters And Marketers
"Writer's block is...... a self-induced delusional state of undisciplined focus.It is merely not knowing what to do next."I am decidedly biased
"Writer's block is...... a self-induced delusional state of undisciplined focus.It is merely not knowing what to do next."I am decidedly biased
Have you ever had one of those writing sessions where you just can't think straight enough to crank out a good high quality article? I know I have.
It doesn't matter if you write fiction or non-fiction, if you use paper and pencil or pen, if you use a computer's word processor, if you are an
Is there anything more frustrating than sitting down to a blank page, and having it remain blank? Some may call its Writer's Block, some call it lack
Nobody likes that white screen staring at you. Especially if you are on a deadline. The clock keeps creeping forward while your desperation
Many writers, both new and published, fear writer's block. But does it really exist? Should we continue to believe in it?There will be cries of
This article shows how to eliminate writer's block by using the full power of your mind. These methods are especially helpful for creative writing.
We've all dreamed it at one point or another, whether it was after reading a good book to recharge the batteries, or even after reading a bad one,
My initial suggestion is this: write the first draft of your novel in a relatively short concentrated space of time. I suggest six weeks maximum.
Here's my tip for the day: Ending Writer's BlockOkay, so you planned your novel and jotted down all these fantastical ideas, but you're completely