
Automatic monitoring of the remote computers system

  • By
  • December 20, 2010

Whether you are working as a system administrator or owning and directing some kind of small business by yourself, someday you will understand that the organization is growing. The more personnel are working in it, the more computers are needed. The more computers are needed, the lager your local network became, and the more utilities, programs and servers are running on daily basis. It is not an easy task to take care of their operability. Let’s review some examples and understand what kind of trouble you can collide.

No person is normally think about this, but it is fairly important to monitor the quantity of available free space on your HDD drive, because some utilities can fail due to an inability to save its data. And you can, really, lose this data. In addition, insufficient disk space might make it impossible for your paging file to grow to support virtual memory.

Here is another case. Sometimes programs can load CPU very high. For example, when too many clients are connected to some server, or when too many difficult calculation tasks are running at the same time. When they do it for a significant period of time, processor can became superheated and badly hurted, and your system will not work correctly.

In all situations it is a good idea to learn about the possible problem before it will really take place. As the system administrator, it is your duty to keep an eye on all constituents. The status of system resources and usage can change vastly over time. Services may stop running. Disk systems may run out of space. Programs can generate errors, which in turn may initiate the system issues. If you use one computer, then maybe you can manage this by yourself. When you have several computers, it becomes the real trouble. Luckily, you will not need to do it manually, you just need a network monitoring software that will do the heavy work for you.

ProtoMon is a robust network and server monitoring software that will automatically control the system parameters of the any number of the remote computers. You will only need to install a tiny and fast ProtoMonAgent system service on all computers you would like to monitor. This service uses very small amount of RAM and processor resources. It is able to monitor almost any parameter of the system including CPU and memory usage (global and per process), free disk space, running processes and system services, registry values and so on.

ProtoMon periodically queries the agents’ statuses. Within a single query it can control any number of the remote system parameters. You need to enter the success criteria – a logical expression which contains one or several inequations with macroes merged together by the boolean operators (and, or). Each macros calculates one computer variable: minimum CPU load, total pagefile size, service status, etc. If the success criteria are not met, the software will let you know immediately using different types of notifications. It is able to display a pop-up notification window, playback a sound, run any program, or send a notification email to the system administrator. Well, it cannot make you a coffee. So while you are making a coffee, let ProtoMon to monitor your network.

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