Freelance writers often get confused between copywriting and content writing. Of course not everyone will get confused but majority of the newbies are not really aware of the difference between the two. Here is a short article to explain the two concepts, both of which involve earning money through writing.
So, what is copywriting and what is content writing? After all, both of them are writing! Yes, despite the fact that both these refer to writing, they are different. Copywriting is a group of words that you write to promote an idea, a business, a person or an opinion. In short, it is marketing that you do with copywriting. Copywriters need to be creative! So, if you are taking up the role of a copywriter, you need to know how marketing works! You need to have the capacity to make the readers act after they read the written material! What do I mean by “people must act”? It means that the readers must be persuaded to either buy a product or they must support an idea after they read through your written material.
Taglines, direct mails, jingle lyrics, online ads, e-mails, television commercial scripts for radio commercial scripts, catalogs, white papers, press release, brochures, sales letters, billboards, postcards etc fall under copywriting!
Content writing on the other hand is not about marketing. It is about writing something which provides information to the readers and improves the ranking of any website in SERP (Search Engine Result Pages) through Organic SEO. Organic SEO is nothing but strategic placement of keywords and keyword phrases throughout the body of the content with a proper density.
There is one more term that people really fail to understand. “Rewriting” is something that make people confused! So, what is the difference between rewriting and content writing? Technically they are the same thing. There is hardly in difference in terms of providing information.
In content writing, you need to do some research on a topic, pool the relevant information from the different sources and then summarize them all in your own unique words and finally create an article. Rewriting is a bit different. Here, you will not have to search for information and pool them to one place. All you need to do is to rejigger the words and the sentences of an article supplied to you and create another original article which will contain all the information which was present in the article supplied to you.
So, in rewriting you will have to work less! Why not? The research part is taken out from the game and you are left with a simple task of writing the existing information all over again without copying and pasting from the original article. This explains why rewriting is a low paid job compared to content writing! Again, you need to know that rewriting is a form of content writing with slight modifications.
Online content has helped many people to get some extra income. Thousands succeeded but millions failed to sustain. Why so? There are some important tricks that you need to know about content writing to be successful. Want to know about them? Give it a shot!
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