You have certainly made your business website with a purpose to attract more visitors to make a purchase, subscribe for a membership, sign up for a newsletter, or whatever counts as conversion in your specific business. To achieve that, you will need to write excellent and engaging call for actions that will prompt the readers to use the opportunity you are giving them at that very moment. You need to link Call for action pages directly with the page of your website where the visitors can make a conversion, so there are as little as possible obstacles between the content that urged someone to act and realization of that action.
Try to keep search engine optimization when writing your Call for action. Include as many descriptive words as possible, as well as the exact name of the product or service that your business is about. It is tremendously important that search engines register your call for action page as the one where people can purchase your specific product or service, obtain information or subscribe for a membership.
Consider template design that you are using. You can have standard interface where every product listing will have generic options, or you can define product descriptions more precisely with more specific text. All links and sections of your website that provide information or call to action need to have a brief description that tells the readers what it is exactly. Do not just put a link ‘Sign up for our newsletter’, rather put ‘SEO School Newsletter’, or whatever best explains what it is your visitors are signing up for.
Make a good use of imperative verbs, such as ‘buy’, ‘try out’, ‘see’, etc. They will help to make your call copy sound more compelling and engaging. You need to tell your readers what exactly they need to and in what way. When you are selling a product, place your call to action strategically throughout the content several times, making it easy for users to take action whenever they feel ready to do it.
If you want your readers to subscribe to the service you are offering, repeat your invitation several time with the precise and easy to follow instructions for them how to do it. Make sure not to spam your copy and overdo your selling attempts. Call for action needs to motivate firstly and repeated invitations throughout the copy serve only to help the readers to easily follow the action process once they feel ready for it.
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