
Best Games for Any Kid’s Party

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  • May 8, 2009

There are some great games out there that you could put together for a children’s party, and this article has two great ideas for you! One of these would be a trivia game on children’s toys. In fact, there is some great information out there. For example, there is the story of President Theodor Roosevelt’s compassion and how it led to a popular toy.

Roosevelt, the 26th president of the United States, was known to the public affectionately as “Teddy.” An outdoor enthusiast, “Teddy” was once on a hunting trip to Mississippi when he was told to shoot a black bear that had been captured alive by his hunting crew. He refused, on the grounds that killing an already helpless animal was unsportsmanlike, and not proper hunting. This act quickly captured the imagination of the public, and was portrayed again and again in many newspaper drawings and caricatures. And according to Wikipedia, this story inspired a toy maker to design a little cute plush bear, which he named “Teddy’s Bear.” So this is how teddy bears got their name. In fact, they are called the same thing in many other languages.

This would make a great piece of trivia at a child’s party, as its both interesting and educational. When you are telling the story, get a toy soldier and a realistic appearing teddy bear so you can make the scene come alive! Then have crayons, pencils, sticker letters and paper so the kids can draw the scene, and then create their own newspaper page on the historic event! Have them assemble their drawings on the big piece of paper and then let them create a fun headline that they can put as the front page news. You could even cut out some paragraphs of newsprint from a real newspaper to make theirs look more authentic. Then, give each of them a little black teddy bear as a door prize that they can play with.

If you want to add a second idea, here’s another fun activity you could make using stuffed animals: create a boardwalk!

Create a few stations throughout your home. One of them could be a basketball station. Get those wall hopes that will stick on any surface, assign a certain number of tries and a line from which they must throw the ball, and you have a fun game! Just remember not to make it too difficult, but not too easy either. As a prize, have plush toys, like a big stuffed tiger, stuffed lion or even a teddy bear. This will definitely be a hit for your party guests!

The fishbowl game would make another great station. Get different sized containers (these could be something as big as a cereal bowl or something as small as a water bottle, use whatever you have on hand) and arrange them relatively close to one another. Then let each kid have three chances to throw a small soft ball through the containers openings. The smaller the opening of the container the bigger the prize they can win. The smaller prizes could be things like crayons or stickers and the grand prize could be a teddy bear or other large stuffed animal.

Another great station would be a bowling arena. Split the kids into two teams. The team who knocks down the most pins is the winner after a certain number of tries. Have a consolation prize for the runner up so that no one feels bad. Because after all, hurt feelings ruin parties. For example, the winning team could get a stuffed tiger while the other team would get a box of crayons.

So there you go, trivia, boardwalk games and stuffed animal prizes and you have the perfect kid’s party. You’ll probably find yourself having just as much fun planning it as the kids will have playing with it!

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