Article Writing does not necessarily mean that you have to please the search engines and write like a machine. The main focus should be to please the people first and foremost vision in mind. The art of Article Writing usually takes care to be fair with both the world i.e. search engines and website visitor. The key to success means to incorporate SEO words in articles without website visitor.
The most important part of Article Writing is the title of your post. This is what entices people to click on your link. The main advert for your article is the title. So this in turns appears on search engines, hopefully generating higher rankings and they will also see it on your blog, your RSS feeds, and thus resulting in the creation of new traffic.
Including your keywords in your title is also in synch with popularity and resulting frequently on search engines. Moreover, it gives a reader an idea what the topic is about and what content will he expect. If your link doesn’t get clicked then you will drop out fast. This now implies how important a title is.
While Article Writing people often overlook the idea of including related keywords. They simply fill their articles with keywords after keywords without much variation or differences. All the related keywords should be taken hold of and then it should be used in the article as it concretes your topic and helps in writing a far more informative article. The process is an eye opener to what should be done to the topics. You can use many keyword finders, the best in town WordPress plug-in, will help you find best related keyword
You need to shower your keywords throughout Article Writing in order to enforce the signal of your keyword rich title. This is more important for a search engine rather than website user and it is important that the visitor does not notice these keywords.
This helps in communicating with Google which particular keyword this article is about, it does not directly make you rank higher in Google but it will tell them what your article is about.
The best practice including a keyword to both your first and last paragraph and also sprinkled throughout the content. Exaggerating keywords may result in classifying you as a spammer. The trick is to keep it simple.
It is clear that you are Article Writing strategy that you are adopting is for both of the world, i.e. search engines and website user. So better keep in mind that you are writing for the humans and only optimizing your content for the search engines. So proof read your article to pick out any mistakes that require amendments.
At the end, Article Writing which has not undergone through the process of search engine optimization is just typing on air. The best content which can be created is search engine optimized and the reader. This type of content can make your blog absolute rocking success.
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