
5 Wonderful Ways To Boost Your Creative Writing Today

As a writer, it can be easy to fall into too much of a predictable routine with your creative writing, and be producing the same kind of writing time and time again. You don’t want to stop, because you know it’s important to keep the flow of words and creativity alive. But the only way to keep going is to churn out another piece of writing almost identical to the last one, meaning your development as a writer is virtually non-existent.
When you find yourself in this kind of predicament, or if you’ve been stuck on how to write anything recently, follow these 5 great ways to give your creative writing a boost:
1. Daily Practice.
The way to get better at anything is to practice, whilst being open to learning as you go. Writing every day is the key component to a rewarding writing life, and will allow you to write freely and abundantly. On top of this consistency, be aware of two things. Firstly, notice what’s working, what helps you write most easily, what you enjoy writing most. Then do more of it. Secondly, notice what doesn’t work, what hinders your ability to write. And do less of that.
2. Become an object.
Changing your perspective is a brilliant way of giving a fresh angle to your writing, and challenging your imagination. So pick a random every day object in your home like a plant or a frying pan or a book, and write about a day in your life as if you were that object. Get into the role as if the object has the same kind of senses and feelings humans do. It might seem a strange idea, but do this regularly and it can’t help but enrich your writing.
3. Read more.
No doubt you have your favourite writers that have been an influence on your own writing. But if you read a very limited range of material, you’re not giving your writing the inspiration it could have. Aim to read not only a wide variety of authors, but different forms of publication too. Read some magazines and articles in topics you’d never normally be interested in, just to notice the different ways people write to engage the reader.
4. Travel in time.
Imagine you’re a journalist or a playwright or a novelist in a different time. Pick a period in history that you’ve always been curious about and take a trip back there. Do the research you need to, but just enough to get a flavour of what life was like. Then begin writing about what you see, hear and experience all around you.
5. Become an Ideas Magnet.
Adopt the belief that writing ideas are everywhere, the air is full of them just waiting to be discovered. Now imagine yourself as a giant ideas magnet, and everywhere you go, ideas are drawn to you like bees are drawn to the flowers with the most fragrant blooms. The last important part is to capture all these ideas you’re attracting. Simply jot them down in an Ideas Journal and carry it with you wherever you go.
Any one of these techniques will help you enrich your writing. The more you practice and experiment, the more experienced and creative you become as a writer.

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