
Finding An Idea That Will Generate Multiple Article Titles

Often people feel that article writing is an easy way to see their name and their work in print and to access additional revenue. If only it were that simple! Aside from the fact that you have to find a way of publishing your article that will actually generate some form of income and will be read by many, you also need to come up with sufficient article ideas that will enable you to be classified as an ‘article writer expert’ and that will provide sufficient income for you to be able to write affordably.
Coming up with article ideas can be much trickier than it first seems. Perhaps not initially. Initially you may find that you have lots of subjects to write about. But after writing a couple of dozen articles you may well find that you start to run out of steam, and this form of writer’s block can be a nightmare for serious non fiction, article writers.
One way to come up with fresh and new article ideas or titles is to revisit ideas that you have written about before in order to see if there is another angle that you can use; another idea that can be generated from the last. Remember, there’s no copyright on ideas, so even if a previous article has been sold to a magazine or online news site, there is no reason why you can’t take that article and re-write it with a slightly different edge and from a fresh angle.
Think about how the subject matter from a previous article idea could be reused in a way that either broadens the subject, or focuses in on a different niche. For example, say you have previously written an article on dog walking. The idea of dog walking could be expanded; you could look at dog walking as a means of exercise, as a new business venture, even as one of the possible ways for socializing your new puppy or for helping children get over their phobia of large dogs. Similarly you could focus in on one particular element of dog walking; the different type of leads to use, using commands to assert discipline whilst dog walking, dog walking clubs, advertising a dog walking business etc. You see – from one simple idea, you can generate a dozen new article titles to keep you happily writing for the next few weeks and help you combat that pesky writer’s block.
So if you are an article writer who is a little short on new and fresh ideas, dig out some of your older pieces of writing and see how you can use them to generate some vibrant, new article titles.

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