There are many different ways to promote your website these days to generate high quality traffic. There’s PPC advertising, social media marketing, search engine marketing, etc. But if you want something that will not burn your pockets but will still help in generating amazing results, I would recommend the use of articles. Articles can help you capture the attention of your target audience who are mostly using the internet when looking for useful information. Strive to address their learning needs and you will surely not have any problem driving them to your website.
Here’s how you can promote your website through your articles:
Post your articles on your blog and website. One of the things that search engines are looking for when indexing website is the content. If your website is considered a good source of relevant, useful data, you can be assured that you’ll secure better page ranking. For best results, I would recommend that you link your articles so your visitors will easily find them and so you can build internal links that can help in improving your page rank.
Distribute your articles to directories. Article marketing is now considered the most powerful traffic-generating tool. The idea behind this is to capture the attention of your prospects by providing answers to their questions and solutions to their problems. Get these people to open your articles and later on, convince them to click the link on your resource box. The key to succeed in this endeavor is to produce a lot of high quality articles. To save time, use only those article marketing sites that are popular to online users and those that have higher page ranking. These types of sites can surely give your articles enormous exposure in the online arena.
Promote your articles using relevant blogs and social media networks. Do your research and identify the blogs and social sites that your target audience usually visits. These are some of the great online pages where you can promote your articles. You can also promote your articles using your Facebook and Twitter accounts. What you can do is give your target audience a snippet of your articles and a link where they’ll be able to read the articles in their entirety. It could be in your website/blog or in your EzineArticles page.
Create an ebook. One of the best ways to reach out to your target audience is by giving them freebies. This is the reason why I recommend that you compile the articles that you’ve written to create short ebooks. You can use these as incentives to those people who sign up to your newsletters or you can use them in your viral marketing campaign. Give your ebooks to everybody who visits your website. Then, encourage them to share this eBook to all the people they know. Ensure that you place your site’s URL on each page so interested parties can easily pay you a visit.
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