Inspired by the story of “The Snow Queen” created by Danish author and poet, Hans Christian Andersen, Walt Disney flick “Frozen” was released to the general public in November 2013. Several months after the film’s launch, its multi-awarded track “Let It Go” still manages to make its way to news reports and various social media outlets.
Unquestionably, one of the film’s highlights was when this track was being sung. Queen Elsa’s journey towards the mountains, tentatively using her power to create tiny snowflakes at first, then boldly developing her self-confidence to build a giant staircase and a magnificent ice crystal castle – the entire sequence plus the moving music were integrated flawlessly to make Queen Elsa’s physical transformation as remarkable as can be.
More than the cinematic presentation, however, the meaning behind the verses is of value as well. Removing her gloves and cape, letting her hair down, getting dressed in a stunning icy gown, strutting gracefully like a beauty queen, and finally slamming the door. All the actions represent self-acceptance and freedom in their highest form.
With the continuing deeds of prejudice and harassment, self-acceptance is one obstacle that not everybody is willing to face. A lot of people are limited to do what we have to instead of doing what we want to as a result of constraints directed by accepted norms.
Working in a monotonous job instead of using special skill such as painting or taking pictures; struggling to acquire that diploma in law instead of enthusiastically doing your best to acquire that diploma in performing arts since daddy says so; putting on only this kind of clothes;
going out only this kind of person; consuming only this kind of food. In nearly all facets of living, there are always restrictions that is why it is much easier to simply do exactly what is asked of you.
“Let It Go” possibly had the impact that it did as a result of the unsaid high regard for individuals who have the guts to be themselves, do exactly what they actually desire, do exactly what they actually love, and do exactly what they’re actually talented at. Additionally, it could have stimulated possibly
everybody’s idea of an ideal world — one wherein you will certainly not be unjustly judged and where the only rule is you may do whatever actually makes you satisfied, provided that you do not harm to anybody.
The track’s impact is irrefutable, nevertheless there are disagreements on why it has actually reached the popularity that it has. You can over-analyze and feel disappointed with its contradictions. Or you can decide to view its meaning in a positive light and feel motivated.
On a personal level, individuals should be made to remember that a person can only be genuinely contented if he/she acknowledges who he/she is, and not allow others control his/her path. It’s all right to dissatisfy everyone else. But if you dissatisfy yourself, real joy will certainly never be achievable.
On a broader level, the track’s meaning can additionally be related to customer service. Satisfying everybody is simply not possible. Nonetheless, customer feedback should be taken seriously. A company that listens closely and recognizes how they can effectively incorporate
customer feedback with brand
philosophies in order to develop remarkable offers is one worth emulating.
“Let it go, let it go, you’ll never see me cry…”
Who could ever have thought a rock artist will one day be doing his very own version of a Disney track? Unbelievably, Pearl Jam’s Eddie Vedder did so in their Italy show a few weeks back.
Anybody still need convincing about the track’s reach?
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